About Us

WRENCH is open-source software distributed under the LGPLv3 license.

WRENCH is developed by a collaborative team from the University of Hawai'i at Mãnoa (UHM), the University of Southern California (USC), the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

Our Team

Henri Casanova

Professor of Computer Science at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, and member of the SimGrid team

Rafael Ferreira da Silva

Senior Research Scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Frédéric Suter

Senior Research Scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and member of the SimGrid team

Jesse McDonald

Computer Science PhD student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa

Loïc Pottier

Research Scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Previous Contributors

Funding Support

Since its inception in 2017, the WRENCH project has received continued funding from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS):
  1. 2021-2024 - NSF CSSI Program: awards #2103489 and #2103508
  2. 2021-2024 - NSF OAC Core Program: awards #2106059 and #2106147
  3. 2019-2022 - NSF Cybertraining Program: awards #1923539 and #1923621
  4. 2017-2019 - NSF SI2-SSE Program: awards #1642335 and #1642369
  5. 2016-2018 - CNRS PICS Program: award #07239