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Cyberinfrastructure Simulation Workbench
Overview | Installation | Getting Started | WRENCH 101 | WRENCH 102 |
This is the complete list of members for wrench::SimpleStorageService, including all inherited members.
acquireDaemonLock() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
assertServiceIsUp() | wrench::Service | |
assertServiceIsUp(std::shared_ptr< Service > s) | wrench::Service | inlineprotectedstatic |
buffer_size | wrench::StorageService | protected |
cleanup(bool has_returned_from_main, int return_value) override | wrench::SimpleStorageService | virtual |
copyFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > src_location, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > dst_location) | wrench::StorageService | static |
createFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location) | wrench::StorageService | static |
createLifeSaver(std::shared_ptr< S4U_Daemon > reference) | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
deleteFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location, std::shared_ptr< FileRegistryService > file_registry_service=nullptr) | wrench::StorageService | static |
DOWN enum value | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
file_systems | wrench::StorageService | protected |
getFreeSpace() | wrench::StorageService | virtual |
getHostname() | wrench::Service | |
getMessagePayloadList() const | wrench::Service | |
getMessagePayloadValue(WRENCH_MESSAGEPAYLOAD_TYPE) | wrench::Service | |
getMountPoint() | wrench::StorageService | |
getMountPoints() | wrench::StorageService | |
getName() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
getNetworkTimeoutValue() | wrench::Service | |
getPhysicalHostname() | wrench::Service | |
getPropertyValueAsBoolean(WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE) | wrench::Service | |
getPropertyValueAsDouble(WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE) | wrench::Service | |
getPropertyValueAsString(WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE) | wrench::Service | |
getPropertyValueAsUnsignedLong(WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE) | wrench::Service | |
getReturnValue() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
getRunningActorRecvMailbox() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | static |
getSharedPtr() | wrench::Service | inlineprotected |
getSimulation() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
getState() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
getTotalSpace() | wrench::StorageService | virtual |
hasMountPoint(std::string mp) | wrench::StorageService | |
hasMultipleMountPoints() | wrench::StorageService | |
hasReturnedFromMain() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
hostname | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
initiateFileCopy(simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > src_location, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > dst_location) | wrench::StorageService | static |
isDaemonized() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
isScratch() | wrench::StorageService | |
isSetToAutoRestart() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
isUp() | wrench::Service | |
join() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
killActor() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | protected |
life_saver | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
lookupFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location) | wrench::StorageService | static |
mailbox | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
map_actor_to_recv_mailbox (defined in wrench::S4U_Daemon) | wrench::S4U_Daemon | static |
messagepayload_list | wrench::Service | protected |
name | wrench::Service | protected |
network_timeout | wrench::Service | protected |
num_starts | wrench::S4U_Daemon | protected |
process_name | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
property_list | wrench::Service | protected |
readFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location) | wrench::StorageService | static |
readFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location, double num_bytes) | wrench::StorageService | static |
readFiles(std::map< std::shared_ptr< DataFile >, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation >> locations) | wrench::StorageService | static |
recv_mailbox | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
releaseDaemonLock() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
resume() | wrench::Service | |
resumeActor() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
runMainMethod() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | protected |
S4U_Daemon(std::string hostname, std::string process_name_prefix) | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
Service(std::string hostname, std::string process_name_prefix) | wrench::Service | protected |
serviceSanityCheck() | wrench::Service | protected |
setMessagePayload(WRENCH_MESSAGEPAYLOAD_TYPE, double) | wrench::Service | protected |
setMessagePayloads(WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE default_messagepayload_values, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE overriden_messagepayload_values) | wrench::Service | protected |
setNetworkTimeoutValue(double value) | wrench::Service | |
setProperties(WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE default_property_values, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE overriden_property_values) | wrench::Service | protected |
setProperty(WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE, const std::string &) | wrench::Service | protected |
setScratch() | wrench::StorageService | |
setSimulation(Simulation *simulation) | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
setStateToDown() | wrench::Service | |
setupOnExitFunction() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
shutting_down | wrench::Service | protected |
SimpleStorageService(std::string hostname, std::set< std::string > mount_points, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list={}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list={}) | wrench::SimpleStorageService | |
simulation | wrench::S4U_Daemon | protected |
stageFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location) | wrench::StorageService | protectedstatic |
start(std::shared_ptr< Service > this_service, bool daemonize, bool auto_restart) | wrench::Service | |
startDaemon(bool _daemonized, bool _auto_restart) | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
state | wrench::S4U_Daemon | protected |
State enum name | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
stop() override | wrench::StorageService | virtual |
StorageService(const std::string &hostname, const std::set< std::string > mount_points, const std::string &service_name) | wrench::StorageService | |
suspend() | wrench::Service | |
suspendActor() | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
SUSPENDED enum value | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
UP enum value | wrench::S4U_Daemon | |
writeFile(std::shared_ptr< DataFile >file, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location) | wrench::StorageService | static |
writeFiles(std::map< std::shared_ptr< DataFile >, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation >> locations) | wrench::StorageService | static |
~S4U_Daemon() (defined in wrench::S4U_Daemon) | wrench::S4U_Daemon | virtual |
~Service() override | wrench::Service | protected |
~SimpleStorageService() override | wrench::SimpleStorageService |