Cyberinfrastructure Simulation Workbench
Overview | Installation | Getting Started | WRENCH 101 | WRENCH 102 |
Cwrench::Action::ActionExecution | A data structure that keeps track of an action's execution(s) |
Cwrench::DataFile | A data file used/produced by a WorkflowTask in a Workflow |
▼Cenable_shared_from_this | |
▼Cwrench::Action | An abstract class that implements the concept of an action |
Cwrench::ComputeAction | A class that implements a compute action |
Cwrench::CustomAction | A class that implements a custom action |
Cwrench::FileCopyAction | A class that implements a file copy action |
Cwrench::FileDeleteAction | A class that implements a file deletion action |
Cwrench::FileReadAction | A class that implements a file read action |
▼Cwrench::FileRegistryAction | A class that implements a file registry (abstract) action |
Cwrench::FileRegistryAddEntryAction | A class that implements a file registry (add entry) action |
Cwrench::FileRegistryDeleteEntryAction | A class that implements a file registry (delete entry) action |
Cwrench::FileWriteAction | A class that implements a file write action |
Cwrench::SleepAction | A class that implements a sleep action |
▼Cwrench::Service | A service that can be added to the simulation and that can be used by a WMS when executing a workflow |
Cwrench::ActionExecutionService | An action execution service that: |
Cwrench::BandwidthMeterService | A service that measures and records bandwidth usage on a set of links at regular time intervals |
▼Cwrench::ComputeService | The compute service base class |
▼Cwrench::BareMetalComputeService | A compute service that manages a set of multi-core compute hosts and provides access to their resources |
Cwrench::BareMetalComputeServiceOneShot | A bare-metal compute service that only runs one job, provided to its constructor |
Cwrench::BatchComputeService | A batch_standard_and_pilot_jobs-scheduled compute service that manages a set of compute hosts and controls access to their resource via a batch_standard_and_pilot_jobs queue |
▼Cwrench::CloudComputeService | A cloud-based compute service that manages a set of physical hosts and controls access to their resources by (transparently) executing jobs in VM instances |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService | A virtualized cluster-based compute service |
Cwrench::HTCondorComputeService | A workload management framework compute service |
Cwrench::EnergyMeterService | A service that measures and records energy consumption on a set of hosts at regular time intervals |
Cwrench::ExecutionController | An abstraction of an execution controller, i.e., a running process that interacts with other services to accomplish some computational goal |
Cwrench::FileRegistryService | A file registry service (a.k.a. replica catalog) that holds a database of which files are available at which storage services. Specifically, the database holds a set of <file, storage service> entries. A WMS can add, lookup, and remove entries at will from this database |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityService | A network proximity service that continuously estimates inter-host latencies and can be queried for such estimates |
▼Cwrench::StorageService | The storage service base class |
Cwrench::SimpleStorageService | A storage service that provides direct access to some storage resources (e.g., one or more disks). An important (configurable) property of the storage service is SimpleStorageServiceProperty::BUFFER_SIZE (see documentation thereof), which defines the buffer size that the storage service uses. Specifically, when the storage service receives/sends data from/to the network, it does so in a loop over data "chunks", with pipelined network and disk I/O operations. The smaller the buffer size the more "fluid" the model, but the more time-consuming the simulation. A large buffer size, however, may lead to less realistic simulations. At the extreme, an infinite buffer size would correspond to fully sequential executions (first a network receive/send, and then a disk write/read). Setting the buffer size to "0" corresponds to a fully fluid model in which individual data chunk operations are not simulated, thus achieving both accuracy (unless one specifically wishes to study the effects of buffering) and quick simulation times. For now, setting the buffer size to "0" is not implemented. The default buffer size is 10 MiB (note that the user can always declare a disk with arbitrary bandwidth in the platform description XML) |
Cwrench::Workflow | A workflow (to be executed by a WMS) |
Cwrench::WorkflowTask | A computational task in a Workflow |
▼Cwrench::ParallelModel | A virtual class (with convenient static methods) to define parallel task performance models |
Cwrench::AmdahlParallelModel | A class that defines an Amdahl's Law-based parallel task performance model |
Cwrench::ConstantEfficiencyParallelModel | A class the implemens a constant-efficiency parallel task performance model |
Cwrench::CustomParallelModel | A class that defines a custom parallel task performance model |
▼CS4U_Daemon | |
Cwrench::Service | A service that can be added to the simulation and that can be used by a WMS when executing a workflow |
▼Cwrench::ServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a Service |
▼Cwrench::ComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a ComputeService |
Cwrench::BareMetalComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a MultiHostMulticoreComputeService |
Cwrench::BatchComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a batch_standard_and_pilot_jobs |
▼Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a CloudService |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a VirtualizedClusterComputeService |
Cwrench::HTCondorComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for an htcondor |
Cwrench::FileRegistryServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payload for a FileRegistryService |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a NetworkProximityService |
▼Cwrench::StorageServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a StorageService |
Cwrench::SimpleStorageServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a SimpleStorageService |
▼Cwrench::ServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a Service |
▼Cwrench::ComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a ComputeService |
Cwrench::BareMetalComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a bare_metal_standard_jobs |
Cwrench::BatchComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a BatchComputeService |
▼Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a CloudComputeService |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a VirtualizedClusterComputeService |
Cwrench::HTCondorComputeServiceProperty | Properties for an HTCondor service |
Cwrench::FileRegistryServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a FileRegistryService |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a NetworkProximityService |
▼Cwrench::StorageServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a StorageService |
Cwrench::SimpleStorageServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a SimpleStorageService |
Cwrench::Simulation | A class that provides basic simulation methods. Once the simulation object has been explicitly or implicitly destroyed, then any call to the WRENCH APIs has undefied behavior (due to memory_manager_service being de-allocated) |
Cwrench::SimulationOutput | A class that contains post-mortem simulation-generated data |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestamp< T > | A time-stamped simulation event stored in SimulationOutput |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampType | File, Source, Whoami used to be hashed as key for unordered multimap for ongoing file operations |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumption | A simulation timestamp class for energy consumption |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampLinkUsage | A simulation timestamp class for link usage |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampPair | A base class for simulation timestamps |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskRead | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding disk reads |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskReadCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for disk read completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskReadFailure | A simulation timestamp class for disk read failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskReadStart | A simulation timestamp class for disk read start times |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWrite | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding disk writes |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWriteCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for disk write completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWriteFailure | A simulation timestamp class for disk write failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWriteStart | A simulation timestamp class for disk write start times |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopy | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding file copies |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopyCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for file copy completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopyFailure | A simulation timestamp class for file copy failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopyStart | A simulation timestamp class for file copy start times |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileRead | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding file reads |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileReadCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for file read completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileReadFailure | A simulation timestamp class for file read failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileReadStart | A simulation timestamp class for file read start times |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWrite | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding file writes |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWriteCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for file write completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWriteFailure | A simulation timestamp class for file write failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWriteStart | A simulation timestamp class for file write start times |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTask | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding workflow tasks |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask completion times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskFailure | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskStart | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask start times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskTermination | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask termination times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampPstateSet | A simulation timestamp class for changes in a host's pstate |
Cwrench::WfCommonsWorkflowParser | A class that implement methods to read workflow files provided by the WfCommons project |