class wrench::FileLocation
A class that encodes a file location.
Public Functions
std::string getAbsolutePathAtMountPoint()
Get the location’s path at mount point.
- Returns
std::string getFullAbsolutePath()
Get the location’s full absolute path.
- Returns
std::string getMountPoint()
Get the location’s mount point.
- Returns
a mount point
std::shared_ptr<StorageService> getServerStorageService()
Get the location’s server storage service.
- Returns
a storage service
std::shared_ptr<StorageService> getStorageService()
Get the location’s storage service.
- Returns
a storage service
std::string toString()
Give a <ss1 name>:<mount point>:<dir>” string for the location.
- Returns
A string
Public Static Functions
Method to compare two file locations.
- Parameters
lhs – a file location
rhs – a file location
- Returns
true if both locations are equivalent
File location specifier for a storage service’s (single) mount point root.
- Parameters
ss – a storage service (that has a single mount point)
- Throws
std::invalid_argument –
- Returns
a file location specification
File location specifier for a storage service’s (single) mount point root Used in case of NFS with page cache.
- Parameters
ss – storage service on the client (whose the page cache that data is written to)
server_ss – a server storage service in NFS that stores the file on disk
- Throws
std::invalid_argument –
- Returns
a file location specification
File location specifier given an absolute path at a storage service.
- Parameters
ss – a storage service or ComputeService::SCRATCH
absolute_path – an absolute path at the storage service to a directory (that may contain files)
- Throws
std::invalid_argument –
- Returns
a file location specification
static bool properPathPrefix(std::string path1, std::string path2)
Helper method to find if a path is a proper prefix of another path.
- Parameters
path1 – a path
path2 – another path
- Returns
true if one of the two paths is a proper prefix of the other
static std::string sanitizePath(std::string path)
Method to sanitize an absolute path (and make it absolute if it’s not)
- Parameters
path – an absolute path
- Returns
Public Static Attributes
static std::shared_ptr<FileLocation> SCRATCH = std::shared_ptr<FileLocation>(new FileLocation(nullptr, "", ""))
Static location that denotes a compute service’s scratch space.
std::string getAbsolutePathAtMountPoint()