Creating an energy-meter service


An energy-meter service simply measures, at regular intervals, the energy consumed by one or more hosts, making measurement traces available as part of the simulation output.

Creating an energy-meter service

In WRENCH, an energy-meter service is defined by the wrench::EnergyMeterService class, an instantiation of which requires the following parameters:

  • The name of a host on which to start the service;

  • A map of key-value pairs, where the keys are hostnames and the values are measurement periods in seconds.

The example below creates an instance that runs on host MeasurerHost, and measures the energy consumed on host Host1 every second and the energy consumed on host Host2 every 10 seconds:

auto np_service = simulation->add(
          new wrench::EnergyMeterService("MeasurerHost", {{"Host1",1.0},{"Host2", 10.0}});

One the simulation is completed, energy measurement time stamps can be accessed as follows:

auto energy_consumption_timestamps = simulation->getOutput().getTrace<wrench::SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumption>();

See the documentation of wrench::SimulationOutput for more details.