class CloudComputeServiceProperty : public wrench::ComputeServiceProperty
Configurable properties for a CloudComputeService.
Subclassed by wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceProperty
Public Static Attributes
static const std::string VM_BOOT_OVERHEAD
The overhead to boot a VM. Default: “0” Examples: “1s”, “100ms”, “1m”, “1.5s”, etc.
The VM resource allocation algorithm by which VMs are started on physical hosts. Possible values are:
best-fit-ram-first (default): Start VMs on hosts using a best-fit algorithm, considering first the RAM and then the number of cores
best-fit-cores-first: Start VMs on hosts using a best-fit algorithm, considering first the number of cores and then then RAM
first-fit: a first-fit algorithm based on the order of the physical host list
static const std::string VM_BOOT_OVERHEAD