.. _guide-102-batch: Interacting with a batch compute service ======================================== A job, either :cpp:class:`wrench::StandardJob` or :cpp:class:`wrench::PilotJob`, can be submitted to a :cpp:class:`wrench::BatchComputeService` by a call to the :cpp:class:`wrench::JobManager::submitJob()` method. However, it is **required** to pass to it a service-specific argument. This argument is a ``std::map`` of key-value pairs, and must have the following three elements: - key: ``-t``; value: a requested runtime in seconds that, if exceeded, causes forceful job termination (e.g., “60”); - key: ``-N``; value: a requested number of compute nodes (e.g., “2”); and - key: ``-c``; value: a requested number of cores per compute nodes (e.g., “4”). You may note that the above corresponds to the arguments that must be provided to the :ref:`Slurm ` batch scheduler. Here is an example job submission to the batch service: .. code:: cpp std::shared_ptr some_batch_service; // Create a job manager auto job_manager = this->createJobManager(); // Create a job auto job = job_manager->createStandardJob(tasks); // Create service-specific arguments std::map service_specific_args; // The job will run no longer than 1 hour service_specific_args["-t"] = "3600"; // The job will run on 2 compute nodes service_specific_args["-N"] = "2"; // The job will use 4 cores on each compute nodes service_specific_args["-c"] = "4"; // Submit the job job_manager->submitJob(job, some_batch_service, service_specific_args); // Wait for and process the next event this->waitForAndProcessNextEvent(); If the service-specific arguments are invalid (e.g., number of nodes too large), :cpp:class:`wrench::JobManager::submitJob()` method throws a :cpp:class:`wrench::ExecutionException`. See the execution controller implementation in ``examples/workflow_api/basic-examples/batch-bag-of-tasks/TwoTasksAtATimeBatchWMS.cpp`` for a more complete example. A batch compute service also supports pilot jobs. Once started, a pilot job exposes a temporary (only running until its containing pilot job expires) bare-metal compute service. Here is a simple code excerpt: .. code:: cpp // create a pilot job auto pilot_job = job_manager->createPilotJob(); // submit it to the batch compute service, asking for 2 10-core nodes for 1200 seconds std::map service_specific_arguments = {{"-N","2"},{"-c","10"},{"-t","1200"}}; job_manager->submitJob(pilot_job, some_batch_service, service_specific_arguments); // Waiting for the next event (which will be a pilot job start event) this->waitForAndProcessNextEvent(); // Get a reference to the bare-metal compute service running on the pilot job auto cs = pilot_job->getComputeService(); // Start using the bare-metal compute service [...] While the pilot job is running, :ref:`standard jobs can be submitted to its bare-metal service `. See the execution controller implementation in ``examples/workflow_api/basic-examples/batch-pilot-job/PilotJobWMS.cpp`` for a more complete example.