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Cyberinfrastructure Simulation Workbench
Overview | Installation | Getting Started | WRENCH 101 | WRENCH 102 |
This is the complete list of members for wrench::Simulation, including all inherited members.
add(T *t) | wrench::Simulation | inline |
compute(double flops) | wrench::Simulation | static |
doesHostExist(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
doesLinkExist(std::string linkname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getCurrentPstate(const std::string &hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getCurrentSimulatedDate() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getEnergyConsumed(const std::string &hostname) | wrench::Simulation | |
getEnergyConsumed(const std::vector< std::string > &hostnames) | wrench::Simulation | |
getEnergyConsumed(const std::string &hostname, bool record_as_time_stamp) | wrench::Simulation | |
getEnergyConsumed(const std::vector< std::string > &hostnames, bool record_as_time_stamps) | wrench::Simulation | |
getFlopRate() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getHostFlopRate(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getHostMemoryCapacity(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getHostName() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getHostnameList() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getHostnameListByCluster() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getHostNumCores(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getLinkBandwidth(std::string linkname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getLinknameList() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getLinkUsage(const std::string &link_name, bool record_as_time_stamp) | wrench::Simulation | |
getLinkUsage(std::string linkname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getListOfPstates(const std::string &hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getMaxPowerConsumption(const std::string &hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getMemoryCapacity() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getMemoryManagerByHost(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | |
getMinPowerConsumption(const std::string &hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getNumberofPstates(const std::string &hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
getNumCores() | wrench::Simulation | static |
getOutput() | wrench::Simulation | |
getRoute(std::string &src_host, std::string &dst_host) | wrench::Simulation | static |
init(int *, char **) | wrench::Simulation | |
instantiatePlatform(std::string) | wrench::Simulation | |
instantiatePlatform(const std::function< void()> &) | wrench::Simulation | |
isEnergySimulationEnabled() | wrench::Simulation | static |
isHostOn(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
isHostShutdownSimulationEnabled() | wrench::Simulation | static |
isLinkOn(std::string linkname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
isPageCachingEnabled() | wrench::Simulation | static |
launch() | wrench::Simulation | |
readFromDisk(double num_bytes, std::string hostname, std::string mount_point) | wrench::Simulation | |
readFromDiskAndWriteToDiskConcurrently(double num_bytes_to_read, double num_bytes_to_write, std::string hostname, std::string read_mount_point, std::string write_mount_point) | wrench::Simulation | |
readWithMemoryCache(WorkflowFile *file, double n_bytes, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location) | wrench::Simulation | |
setPstate(const std::string &hostname, int pstate) | wrench::Simulation | |
Simulation() | wrench::Simulation | |
sleep(double duration) | wrench::Simulation | static |
stageFile(WorkflowFile *file, std::shared_ptr< StorageService > ss) | wrench::Simulation | |
stageFile(WorkflowFile *file, std::shared_ptr< StorageService > ss, std::string directory_absolute_path) | wrench::Simulation | |
startNewService(ComputeService *service) | wrench::Simulation | |
startNewService(StorageService *service) | wrench::Simulation | |
startNewService(NetworkProximityService *service) | wrench::Simulation | |
startNewService(FileRegistryService *service) | wrench::Simulation | |
startNewService(MemoryManager *service) | wrench::Simulation | |
turnOffHost(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
turnOffLink(std::string linkname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
turnOnHost(std::string hostname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
turnOnLink(std::string linkname) | wrench::Simulation | static |
writebackWithMemoryCache(WorkflowFile *file, double n_bytes, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location, bool is_dirty) | wrench::Simulation | |
writeThroughWithMemoryCache(WorkflowFile *file, double n_bytes, std::shared_ptr< FileLocation > location) | wrench::Simulation | |
writeToDisk(double num_bytes, std::string hostname, std::string mount_point) | wrench::Simulation | |
~Simulation() | wrench::Simulation |