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wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService Class Reference

A virtualized cluster-based compute service. More...

#include <VirtualizedClusterComputeService.h>

Inheritance diagram for wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService:
wrench::CloudComputeService wrench::ComputeService wrench::Service wrench::S4U_Daemon

Public Member Functions

 VirtualizedClusterComputeService (const std::string &hostname, std::vector< std::string > &execution_hosts, std::string scratch_space_mount_point, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list={}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list={})
 Constructor. More...
virtual void migrateVM (const std::string &vm_name, const std::string &dest_pm_hostname)
 Synchronously migrate a VM to another physical host. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeServicestartVM (const std::string &vm_name)
 Start a VM. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeServicestartVM (const std::string &vm_name, const std::string &pm_name)
 Start a VM. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wrench::CloudComputeService
 CloudComputeService (const std::string &hostname, std::vector< std::string > execution_hosts, std::string scratch_space_mount_point, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list={}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list={})
 Constructor. More...
 ~CloudComputeService ()
virtual std::string createVM (unsigned long num_cores, double ram_memory, std::string desired_vm_name, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list={}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list={})
 Create a BareMetalComputeService VM (balances load on execution hosts) More...
virtual std::string createVM (unsigned long num_cores, double ram_memory, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list={}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list={})
 Create a BareMetalComputeService VM (balances load on execution hosts) More...
virtual void destroyVM (const std::string &vm_name)
 Destroy a VM. More...
std::vector< std::string > getExecutionHosts ()
 Get the list of execution hosts available to run VMs. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeServicegetVMComputeService (const std::string &vm_name)
 Get the compute service running on a VM, if any. More...
virtual std::string getVMPhysicalHostname (const std::string &vm_name)
 Get the name of the physical host on which a VM is running. More...
virtual bool isVMDown (const std::string &vm_name)
 Method to check whether a VM is currently down. More...
virtual bool isVMRunning (const std::string &vm_name)
 Method to check whether a VM is currently running. More...
virtual bool isVMSuspended (const std::string &vm_name)
 Method to check whether a VM is currently running. More...
virtual void resumeVM (const std::string &vm_name)
 Resume a suspended VM. More...
virtual void shutdownVM (const std::string &vm_name)
 Shutdown an active VM. More...
virtual void shutdownVM (const std::string &vm_name, bool send_failure_notifications, ComputeService::TerminationCause termination_cause)
 Shutdown an active VM. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeServicestartVM (const std::string &vm_name)
 Start a VM. More...
void submitCompoundJob (std::shared_ptr< CompoundJob > job, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &service_specific_args) override
 Method to submit a compound job to the service. More...
virtual bool supportsCompoundJobs () override
 Returns true if the service supports compound jobs. More...
virtual bool supportsPilotJobs () override
 Returns true if the service supports pilot jobs. More...
virtual bool supportsStandardJobs () override
 Returns true if the service supports standard jobs. More...
virtual void suspendVM (const std::string &vm_name)
 Suspend a running VM. More...
void terminateCompoundJob (std::shared_ptr< CompoundJob > job) override
 Method to terminate a compound job. More...
void validateProperties ()
 Validate the service's properties. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wrench::ComputeService
 ComputeService (const std::string &hostname, std::string service_name, std::string scratch_space_mount_point)
 Constructor. More...
std::map< std::string, double > getCoreFlopRate ()
 Get the per-core flop rate of the compute service's hosts. More...
double getFreeScratchSpaceSize ()
 Get the free space on the compute service's scratch storage space. More...
std::vector< std::string > getHosts ()
 Get the list of the compute service's compute host. More...
std::map< std::string, double > getMemoryCapacity ()
 Get the RAM capacities for each of the compute service's hosts. More...
unsigned long getNumHosts ()
 Get the number of hosts that the compute service manages. More...
std::map< std::string, double > getPerHostAvailableMemoryCapacity ()
 Get ram availability for each of the compute service's host. More...
std::map< std::string, unsigned long > getPerHostNumCores ()
 Get core counts for each of the compute service's host. More...
std::map< std::string, unsigned long > getPerHostNumIdleCores ()
 Get idle core counts for each of the compute service's host. More...
std::shared_ptr< StorageServicegetScratch ()
 Get the compute service's scratch storage space. More...
unsigned long getTotalNumCores ()
 Get the total core counts for all hosts of the compute service. More...
virtual unsigned long getTotalNumIdleCores ()
 Get the total idle core count for all hosts of the compute service. Note that this doesn't mean that asking for these cores right will mean immediate execution (since jobs may be pending and "ahead" in the queue, e.g., because they depend on current actions that are not using all available resources). More...
double getTotalScratchSpaceSize ()
 Get the total capacity of the compute service's scratch storage space. More...
double getTTL ()
 Get the time-to-live of the compute service. More...
virtual bool hasScratch () const
 Checks if the compute service has a scratch space. More...
virtual bool isThereAtLeastOneHostWithIdleResources (unsigned long num_cores, double ram)
 Method to find out if, right now, the compute service has at least one host with some idle number of cores and some available RAM. Note that this doesn't mean that asking for these resources right will mean immediate execution (since jobs may be pending and "ahead" in the queue, e.g., because they depend on current actions that are not using all available resources). More...
void stop () override
 Stop the compute service.
virtual void stop (bool send_failure_notifications, ComputeService::TerminationCause termination_cause)
 Stop the compute service. More...
void terminateJob (std::shared_ptr< CompoundJob > job)
 Terminate a previously-submitted job (which may or may not be running yet) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wrench::Service
void assertServiceIsUp ()
 Throws an exception if the service is not up. More...
std::string getHostname ()
 Get the name of the host on which the service is / will be running. More...
const WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE & getMessagePayloadList () const
 Get all message payloads and their values of the Service. More...
double getMessagePayloadValue (WRENCH_MESSAGEPAYLOAD_TYPE)
 Get a message payload of the Service as a double. More...
double getNetworkTimeoutValue ()
 Returns the service's network timeout value. More...
std::string getPhysicalHostname ()
 Get the physical name of the host on which the service is / will be running. More...
bool getPropertyValueAsBoolean (WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE)
 Get a property of the Service as a boolean. More...
double getPropertyValueAsDouble (WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE)
 Get a property of the Service as a double. More...
std::string getPropertyValueAsString (WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE)
 Get a property of the Service as a string. More...
unsigned long getPropertyValueAsUnsignedLong (WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE)
 Get a property of the Service as an unsigned long. More...
bool isUp ()
 Returns true if the service is UP, false otherwise. More...
void resume ()
 Resume the service. More...
void setNetworkTimeoutValue (double value)
 Sets the service's network timeout value. More...
void setStateToDown ()
 Set the state of the service to DOWN.
void start (std::shared_ptr< Service > this_service, bool daemonize, bool auto_restart)
 Start the service. More...
void suspend ()
 Suspend the service.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wrench::S4U_Daemon
 S4U_Daemon (std::string hostname, std::string process_name_prefix)
 Constructor (daemon with a mailbox) More...
void acquireDaemonLock ()
 Method to acquire the daemon's lock. More...
virtual void cleanup (bool has_returned_from_main, int return_value)
 Cleanup function called when the daemon terminates (for whatever reason). The default behavior is to throw an exception if the host is off. This method should be overriden in a daemons implements some fault-tolerant behavior, or is naturally tolerant. More...
void createLifeSaver (std::shared_ptr< S4U_Daemon > reference)
 Create a life saver for the daemon. More...
std::string getName ()
 Retrieve the process name. More...
int getReturnValue ()
 Returns the value returned by main() (if the daemon has returned from main) More...
SimulationgetSimulation ()
 Get the service's simulation. More...
S4U_Daemon::State getState ()
 Get the daemon's state. More...
bool hasReturnedFromMain ()
 Returns true if the daemon has returned from main() (i.e., not brutally killed) More...
bool isDaemonized ()
 Return the daemonized status of the daemon. More...
bool isSetToAutoRestart ()
 Return the auto-restart status of the daemon. More...
std::pair< bool, int > join ()
 Join (i.e., wait for) the daemon. More...
void releaseDaemonLock ()
 Method to release the daemon's lock. More...
void resumeActor ()
 Resume the daemon/actor.
void setSimulation (Simulation *simulation)
 Set the service's simulation. More...
void setupOnExitFunction ()
 Sets up the on_exit function for the actor.
void startDaemon (bool _daemonized, bool _auto_restart)
 Start the daemon. More...
void suspendActor ()
 Suspend the daemon/actor.

Protected Member Functions

int main () override
 Main method of the daemon. More...
virtual void processMigrateVM (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, const std::string &vm_name, const std::string &dest_pm_hostname)
 Process a VM migration request. More...
bool processNextMessage () override
 Wait for and react to any incoming message. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wrench::CloudComputeService
virtual void processBareMetalComputeServiceTermination (std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeService > cs, int exit_code)
 Process a termination by a previously started BareMetalComputeService on a VM. More...
virtual void processCreateVM (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, unsigned long requested_num_cores, double requested_ram, std::string desired_vm_name, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list)
 Create a BareMetalComputeService VM on a physical machine. More...
virtual void processDestroyVM (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, const std::string &vm_name)
 : Process a VM destruction request More...
virtual void processGetExecutionHosts (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox)
 Process a execution host list request. More...
virtual void processGetResourceInformation (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, const std::string &key)
 Process a "get resource information message". More...
virtual void processIsThereAtLeastOneHostWithAvailableResources (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, unsigned long num_cores, double ram)
 Process a host available resource request. More...
virtual void processResumeVM (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, const std::string &vm_name)
 : Process a VM resume request More...
virtual void processShutdownVM (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, const std::string &vm_name, bool send_failure_notifications, ComputeService::TerminationCause termination_cause)
 : Process a VM shutdown request More...
virtual void processStartVM (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, const std::string &vm_name, const std::string &pm_name)
 : Process a VM start request by startibnng a VM on a host (using best fit for RAM first, and then for cores) More...
virtual void processSuspendVM (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, const std::string &vm_name)
 : Process a VM suspend request More...
std::shared_ptr< SimulationMessagesendRequest (simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, ComputeServiceMessage *message)
 Send a message request. More...
void stopAllVMs (bool send_failure_notifications, ComputeService::TerminationCause termination_cause)
 Terminate all VMs. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wrench::ComputeService
 ComputeService (const std::string &hostname, std::string service_name, std::shared_ptr< StorageService > scratch_space)
 Constructor. More...
std::shared_ptr< StorageServicegetScratchSharedPtr ()
 Get a shared pointer to the compute service's scratch storage space. More...
void submitJob (std::shared_ptr< CompoundJob > job, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &={})
 Submit a job to the compute service. More...
virtual void validateJobsUseOfScratch (std::map< std::string, std::string > &service_specific_args)
 Method to validate that a job's use of the scratch space if ok. Throws exception if not. More...
virtual void validateServiceSpecificArguments (std::shared_ptr< CompoundJob > job, std::map< std::string, std::string > &service_specific_args)
 Method the validates service-specific arguments (throws std::invalid_argument if invalid) More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wrench::Service
 Service (std::string hostname, std::string process_name_prefix)
 Constructor. More...
 ~Service () override
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > getSharedPtr ()
 Method to retrieve the shared_ptr to a service. More...
void serviceSanityCheck ()
 Check whether the service is properly configured and running. More...
void setMessagePayload (WRENCH_MESSAGEPAYLOAD_TYPE, double)
 Set a message payload of the Service. More...
void setMessagePayloads (WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE default_messagepayload_values, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE overriden_messagepayload_values)
 Set default and user-defined message payloads. More...
void setProperties (WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE default_property_values, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE overriden_property_values)
 Set default and user-defined properties. More...
void setProperty (WRENCH_PROPERTY_TYPE, const std::string &)
 Set a property of the Service. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wrench::S4U_Daemon
bool killActor ()
 Kill the daemon/actor (does nothing if already dead) More...
void runMainMethod ()
 Method that run's the user-defined main method (that's called by the S4U actor class)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from wrench::ComputeService
 Job termination cause enum.
- Public Types inherited from wrench::S4U_Daemon
enum  State { UP, DOWN, SUSPENDED }
 Daemon states. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wrench::S4U_Daemon
static simgrid::s4u::Mailbox * getRunningActorRecvMailbox ()
 Return the running actor's recv mailbox. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from wrench::S4U_Daemon
std::string hostname
 The name of the host on which the daemon is running.
LifeSaver * life_saver = nullptr
 The daemon's life saver.
simgrid::s4u::Mailbox * mailbox
 The daemon's mailbox.
std::string process_name
 The name of the daemon.
simgrid::s4u::Mailbox * recv_mailbox
 The daemon's receive mailbox (to send to another daemon so that that daemon can reply)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from wrench::ComputeService
static constexpr unsigned long ALL_CORES = ULONG_MAX
 A convenient constant to mean "use all cores of a physical host" whenever a number of cores is needed when instantiating compute services.
static constexpr double ALL_RAM = DBL_MAX
 A convenient constant to mean "use all ram of a physical host" whenever a ram capacity is needed when instantiating compute services.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from wrench::S4U_Daemon
static std::unordered_map< aid_t, simgrid::s4u::Mailbox * > map_actor_to_recv_mailbox
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from wrench::Service
static void assertServiceIsUp (std::shared_ptr< Service > s)
 Assert for the service being up. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from wrench::CloudComputeService
std::vector< std::string > execution_hosts
 List of execution host names.
std::map< std::string, unsigned long > used_cores_per_execution_host
 Map of number of used cores at the hosts.
std::map< std::string, double > used_ram_per_execution_host
 Map of used RAM at the hosts.
std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::shared_ptr< S4U_VirtualMachine >, std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeService > > > vm_list
 A map of VMs.
- Protected Attributes inherited from wrench::ComputeService
std::shared_ptr< StorageServicescratch_space_storage_service
 A scratch storage service associated to the compute service.
- Protected Attributes inherited from wrench::Service
 The service's messagepayload list.
std::string name
 The service's name.
double network_timeout = 30.0
 The time (in seconds) after which a service that doesn't send back a reply (control) message causes a NetworkTimeOut exception. (default: 30 second; if <0 never timeout)
 The service's property list.
bool shutting_down = false
 A boolean that indicates if the service is in the middle of shutting down.
- Protected Attributes inherited from wrench::S4U_Daemon
unsigned int num_starts = 0
 The number of time that this daemon has started (i.e., 1 + number of restarts)
 a pointer to the simulation object
State state
 The service's state.

Detailed Description

A virtualized cluster-based compute service.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VirtualizedClusterComputeService()

wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService::VirtualizedClusterComputeService ( const std::string &  hostname,
std::vector< std::string > &  execution_hosts,
std::string  scratch_space_mount_point,


hostnamethe name of the hostcreate on which to start the service
execution_hoststhe hosts available for running virtual machines
scratch_space_mount_pointthe mount of of the scratch space of the cloud service ("" means none)
property_lista property list ({} means "use all defaults")
messagepayload_lista message payload list ({} means "use all defaults")

Member Function Documentation

◆ main()

int wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService::main ( )

Main method of the daemon.

0 on termination

Main loop

Reimplemented from wrench::CloudComputeService.

◆ migrateVM()

void wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService::migrateVM ( const std::string &  vm_name,
const std::string &  dest_pm_hostname 

Synchronously migrate a VM to another physical host.

vm_namevirtual machine name
dest_pm_hostnamethe name of the destination physical machine host

◆ processMigrateVM()

void wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService::processMigrateVM ( simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *  answer_mailbox,
const std::string &  vm_name,
const std::string &  dest_pm_hostname 

Process a VM migration request.

answer_mailboxthe mailbox to which the answer message should be sent
vm_namethe name of the VM host
dest_pm_hostnamethe name of the destination physical machine host

◆ processNextMessage()

bool wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService::processNextMessage ( )

Wait for and react to any incoming message.

false if the daemon should terminate, true otherwise

Reimplemented from wrench::CloudComputeService.

◆ startVM() [1/2]

std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeService > wrench::CloudComputeService::startVM

Start a VM.

vm_namethe name of the VM
A BareMetalComputeService that runs on the VM

◆ startVM() [2/2]

std::shared_ptr< BareMetalComputeService > wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService::startVM ( const std::string &  vm_name,
const std::string &  pm_name 

Start a VM.

vm_namethe name of the VM
pm_namethe physical host on which to start the VM
The compute service running on the VM

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: