static const std::string | FILE_COPY_ANSWER_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to answer a file copy request.
static const std::string | FILE_COPY_REQUEST_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent to the daemon to request a file copy.
static const std::string | FILE_DELETE_ANSWER_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to answer a file deletion request.
static const std::string | FILE_DELETE_REQUEST_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent to the daemon to request a file deletion.
static const std::string | FILE_LOOKUP_ANSWER_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to answer a file lookup request.
static const std::string | FILE_LOOKUP_REQUEST_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent to the daemon to request a file lookup.
static const std::string | FILE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to say "file not found".
static const std::string | FILE_READ_ANSWER_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to answer a file copy request.
static const std::string | FILE_READ_REQUEST_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent to the daemon to request a file copy.
static const std::string | FILE_WRITE_ANSWER_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to answer a file copy request.
static const std::string | FILE_WRITE_REQUEST_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent to the daemon to request a file copy.
static const std::string | FREE_SPACE_ANSWER_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to answer free space information request.
static const std::string | FREE_SPACE_REQUEST_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent to the daemon to request its free space information.
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to say "not enough space".
static const std::string | DAEMON_STOPPED_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent by the daemon to confirm it has terminated.
static const std::string | STOP_DAEMON_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD |
| The number of bytes in the control message sent to the daemon to terminate it.