class wrench::ComputeService : public wrench::Service
The compute service base class.
Subclassed by wrench::BareMetalComputeService, wrench::BatchComputeService, wrench::CloudComputeService, wrench::HTCondorCentralManagerService, wrench::HTCondorComputeService
Public Types
enum TerminationCause
Job termination cause enum.
Public Functions
ComputeService(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &service_name, const std::string &scratch_space_mount_point)
- Parameters
hostname – the name of the host on which the compute service runs
service_name – the name of the compute service
scratch_space_mount_point – the service’s scratch space’s mount point (”” if none)
std::map<std::string, double> getCoreFlopRate()
Get the per-core flop rate of the compute service’s hosts.
- Throws
- Returns
a list of flop rates in flop/sec
double getFreeScratchSpaceSize()
Get the free space on the compute service’s scratch storage space.
- Returns
a size (in bytes)
std::vector<std::string> getHosts()
Get the list of the compute service’s compute host.
- Throws
std::runtime_error –
- Returns
a vector of hostnames
std::map<std::string, double> getMemoryCapacity()
Get the RAM capacities for each of the compute service’s hosts.
- Throws
- Returns
a map of RAM capacities, indexed by hostname
unsigned long getNumHosts()
Get the number of hosts that the compute service manages.
- Throws
std::runtime_error –
- Returns
the host count
std::map<std::string, double> getPerHostAvailableMemoryCapacity()
Get ram availability for each of the compute service’s host.
- Throws
std::runtime_error –
- Returns
the ram availability map (could be empty)
std::map<std::string, unsigned long> getPerHostNumCores()
Get core counts for each of the compute service’s host.
- Throws
std::runtime_error –
- Returns
a map of core counts, indexed by hostnames
std::map<std::string, unsigned long> getPerHostNumIdleCores()
Get idle core counts for each of the compute service’s host.
- Throws
std::runtime_error –
- Returns
the idle core counts (could be empty). Note that this doesn’t mean that asking for these cores right will mean immediate execution (since jobs may be pending and “ahead” in the queue, e.g., because they depend on current actions that are not using all available resources).
std::shared_ptr<StorageService> getScratch()
Get the compute service’s scratch storage space.
- Returns
a pointer to the shared scratch space
unsigned long getTotalNumCores()
Get the total core counts for all hosts of the compute service.
- Throws
std::runtime_error –
- Returns
total core counts
virtual unsigned long getTotalNumIdleCores()
Get the total idle core count for all hosts of the compute service. Note that this doesn’t mean that asking for these cores right will mean immediate execution (since jobs may be pending and “ahead” in the queue, e.g., because they depend on current actions that are not using all available resources).
- Throws
std::runtime_error –
- Returns
total idle core count.
double getTotalScratchSpaceSize()
Get the total capacity of the compute service’s scratch storage space.
- Returns
a size (in bytes)
double getTTL()
Get the time-to-live of the compute service.
- Throws
- Returns
the ttl in seconds
virtual bool hasScratch() const
Checks if the compute service has a scratch space.
- Returns
true if the compute service has some scratch storage space, false otherwise
virtual bool isThereAtLeastOneHostWithIdleResources(unsigned long num_cores, double ram)
Method to find out if, right now, the compute service has at least one host with some idle number of cores and some available RAM. Note that this doesn’t mean that asking for these resources right will mean immediate execution (since jobs may be pending and “ahead” in the queue, e.g., because they depend on current actions that are not using all available resources).
- Parameters
num_cores – the desired number of cores
ram – the desired RAM
- Returns
true if idle resources are available, false otherwise
virtual void stop() override
Stop the compute service.
virtual void stop(bool send_failure_notifications, ComputeService::TerminationCause termination_cause)
Stop the compute service.
- Parameters
send_failure_notifications – whether to send job failure notifications or not
termination_cause – the cause (reason) of the service’s termination
Method to submit a compound job to the service.
- Parameters
job – The job being submitted
service_specific_arguments – the set of service-specific arguments
virtual bool supportsCompoundJobs() = 0
Returns true if the service supports pilot jobs.
- Returns
true or false
virtual bool supportsPilotJobs() = 0
Returns true if the service supports compound jobs.
- Returns
true or false
virtual bool supportsStandardJobs() = 0
Returns true if the service supports standard jobs.
- Returns
true or false
Method to terminate a compound job.
- Parameters
job – the standard job
Terminate a previously-submitted job (which may or may not be running yet)
- Parameters
job – the job to terminate
- Throws
std::invalid_argument –
std::runtime_error –
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr unsigned long ALL_CORES = ULONG_MAX
A convenient constant to mean “use all cores of a physical host” whenever a number of cores is needed when instantiating compute services.
static constexpr double ALL_RAM = DBL_MAX
A convenient constant to mean “use all ram of a physical host” whenever a ram capacity is needed when instantiating compute services.
enum TerminationCause