class wrench::DagOfTasks
An internal class that uses the Boost Graph Library to implement a DAG of WorkflowTask objects.
Public Functions
void addEdge(WorkflowTask *src, WorkflowTask *dst)
Method to add an edge between to task vertices.
- Parameters
src – the source task
dst – the destination task
void addVertex(const WorkflowTask *task)
Method to add a task vertex to the DAG.
- Parameters
task – the task
bool doesEdgeExist(const WorkflowTask *src, const WorkflowTask *dst)
Method to check whether an edge exists between to task vertices.
- Parameters
src – the source task
dst – the destination task
- Returns
true if there is a path between the tasks
bool doesPathExist(const WorkflowTask *src, const WorkflowTask *dst)
Method to check whether a path exists between to task vertices.
- Parameters
src – the source task
dst – the destination task
- Returns
true if there is a path between the tasks
std::vector<WorkflowTask*> getChildren(const WorkflowTask *task)
Method to get the children of a task vertex.
- Parameters
task – the task
- Returns
the children
long getNumberOfChildren(const WorkflowTask *task)
Method to get the number of children of a task vertex.
- Parameters
task – the task
- Returns
a number children
long getNumberOfParents(const WorkflowTask *task)
Method to get the number of parents of a task vertex.
- Parameters
task – the task
- Returns
a number parents
std::vector<WorkflowTask*> getParents(const WorkflowTask *task)
Method to get the parents of a task vertex.
- Parameters
task – the task
- Returns
the parents
void removeEdge(WorkflowTask *src, WorkflowTask *dst)
Remove an edge between two task vertices.
- Parameters
src – the source task
dst – the destination task
void removeVertex(WorkflowTask *task)
Method to remove a task vertex from the DAG.
- Parameters
task – the task
void addEdge(WorkflowTask *src, WorkflowTask *dst)