class CloudComputeService : public wrench::ComputeService
A cloud-based compute service that manages a set of physical hosts and controls access to their resources by (transparently) executing jobs in VM instances.
Subclassed by wrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService
Public Functions
CloudComputeService(const std::string &hostname, const std::vector<std::string> &execution_hosts, const std::string &scratch_space_mount_point, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list = {}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list = {})
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname on which to start the service
execution_hosts – the list of the names of the hosts available for running virtual machines
scratch_space_mount_point – the mount point for the cloud service’s scratch space (”” means none)
property_list – a property list ({} means “use all defaults”)
messagepayload_list – a message payload list ({} means “use all defaults”)
- Throws:
std::runtime_error –
bool supportsCompoundJobs() override
Returns true if the service supports compound jobs.
- Returns:
true or false
bool supportsPilotJobs() override
Returns true if the service supports pilot jobs.
- Returns:
true or false
bool supportsStandardJobs() override
Returns true if the service supports standard jobs.
- Returns:
true or false
CloudComputeService(const std::string &hostname, const std::vector<std::string> &execution_hosts, const std::string &scratch_space_mount_point, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list = {}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list = {})