WRENCH  1.10
Cyberinfrastructure Simulation Workbench
Overview Installation Getting Started WRENCH 101 WRENCH 102

This page provides high-level and detailed information about what WRENCH simulators can simulate and how they do it. Full API details are provided in the User API Reference. See the relevant pages for instructions on how to install WRENCH and how to setup a simulator project.

10,000-ft view of a WRENCH simulator

A WRENCH simulator can be as simple as a single main() function that creates a platform to be simulated (the hardware) and a set of services that run on the platform (the software). These services correspond to software that knows how to store data, perform computation, and many other useful things that real-world cyberinfrastructure services can do.

The simulator then creates a workflow to be executed, which consists of a set of compute tasks each with input and output files, with control and/or data dependencies between tasks.

A special service is then created, called a Workflow Management System (WMS), that will be in charge of executing the workflow on the platform using available hardware resources and software services. The WMS is implemented using the WRENCH Developer API, as discussed in the WRENCH 102 page.

The simulation is then launched via a single call (wrench::Simulation::launch()), and returns only once the WMS has terminated (after completing or failing to complete the execution of the workflow). Simulation output can be analyzed programmatically and/or dumped to a JSON file. This JSON file can be loaded into the WRENCH dashboard tool (just run the wrench-dashboard executable, which should have been installed on your system).

1,000-ft view of a WRENCH simulator

In this section, we dive deeper into what it takes to implement a WRENCH simulator. To provide context, we refer to the example simulator in the examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-chain directory of the WRENCH distribution. This simulator simulates the execution of a chain workflow on a two-host platform that runs one compute service and one storage service. Although other examples are available (see examples/README.md), this simple example is sufficient to showcase most of what a WRENCH simulator does, which consists in going through the steps below. Note that the simulator's code contains extensive comments as well.

Step 0: Include wrench.h

For ease of use, all WRENCH abstractions in the WRENCH User API are available through a single header file:

#include <wrench.h>

Step 1: Create and initialize a simulation

The state of a WRENCH simulation is defined by the wrench::Simulation class. A simulator must create an instance of this class and initialize it with the wrench::Simulation::init() member function. The bare-metal-chain simulator does this as follows:

wrench::Simulation simulation;
simulation.init(&argc, argv);

Note that this member function takes in the command-line arguments passed to the main function of the simulator. This is so that it can parse WRENCH-specific and SimGrid-specific command-line arguments. (Recall that WRENCH is based on SimGrid.) Two useful such arguments are --wrench-help, which displays a WRENCH help message, and --help-simgrid, which displays an extensive SimGrid help message.

Step 2: Instantiate a simulated platform

This is done with the wrench::Simulation::instantiatePlatform() method. There are two versions of this method. The first version takes as argument a SimGrid virtual platform description file, we defines all the simulated hardware (compute hosts, clusters of hosts, storage resources, network links, routers, routes between hosts, etc.). The bare-metal-chain simulator comes with a platform description file, examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-bag-of-tasks/two_hosts.xml, which we include here:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE platform SYSTEM "http://simgrid.gforge.inria.fr/simgrid/simgrid.dtd">
<platform version="4.1">
<zone id="AS0" routing="Full">
<!-- The host on which the WMS will run -->
<host id="WMSHost" speed="10Gf" core="1">
<disk id="hard_drive" read_bw="100MBps" write_bw="100MBps">
<prop id="size" value="5000GiB"/>
<prop id="mount" value="/"/>
<!-- The host on which the BareMetalComputeService will run -->
<host id="ComputeHost" speed="1Gf" core="10">
<prop id="ram" value="16GB" />
<!-- A network link that connects both hosts -->
<link id="network_link" bandwidth="50MBps" latency="20us"/>
<!-- WMSHost's local "loopback" link -->
<link id="loopback_WMSHost" bandwidth="1000EBps" latency="0us"/>
<!--ComputeHost's local "loopback" link -->
<link id="loopback_ComputeHost" bandwidth="1000EBps" latency="0us"/>
<!-- Network routes -->
<route src="WMSHost" dst="ComputeHost">
<link_ctn id="network_link"/>
<!-- Each loopback link connects each host to itself -->
<route src="WMSHost" dst="WMSHost">
<link_ctn id="loopback_WMSHost"/>
<route src="ComputeHost" dst="ComputeHost">
<link_ctn id="loopback_ComputeHost"/>

This file defines a platform with two hosts, WMSHost and ComputeHost. The former is a 1-core host with compute speed 10 Gflop/sec, with a 5000-GiB disk with 100 MB/sec read and write bandwidth, which is mounted at /. The latter is a 10-core host where each core computes at speed 1Gflop/sec and with a total RAM capacity of 16 GB. The platform also declares three network links. The first one, called network_link is an actual network link to interconnect the two hosts, with 50 MB/sec bandwidth and 20 microsecond latency. The other two links (loopback_WMSHost and loopback_ComputeHost) are used to model inter-process communication (IPC) performance within each host. Last, network routes are declared. The route from host WMSHost and ComputeHost is through network_link. Then, there is a route from each host to itself using each loopback link. Note that these loopback routes are optional. By default, SimGrid includes a loopback route for each host, with bandwidths and latencies based on measurements obtained on actual computers. The above XML file does not use these defaults, and instead declare loop routes through much faster loopback links (zero latency and extremely high bandwidth). This is because, for this simulation, we want to model a platform in which IPC on a host is essentially free.

We refer the reader to platform description files in other examples in the examples directory and to the SimGrid documentation for more information on how to create platform description files.

The bare-metal-chain simulator takes the path to the platform description as its 2nd command-line argument and thus instantiates the simulated platform as:


The second version of the wrench::Simulation::instantiatePlatform() method takes as input a function that creates the platform description programmatically using the SimGrid platform description API. The example in examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-bag-of-tasks-programmatic-platform shows how the XML platform description in examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-bag-of-tasks/two_hosts.xml can be implemented programmatically. (Note that this example passes a functor to wrench::Simulation::instantiatePlatform() rather than a plain method.)

Step 3: Instantiate services on the platform

While the previous step defines the hardware platform, this step defines what software services run on that hardware. The wrench::Simulation::add() member function is used to add services to the simulation. Each class of service is created with a particular constructor, which also specifies host(s) on which the service is to be started. Typical kinds of services include compute services, storage services, and file registry services (see below for more details).

The bare-metal-chain simulator instantiates three services. The first one is a compute service:

auto bare_metal_service = simulation.add(new wrench::BareMetalComputeService("ComputeHost", {"ComputeHost"}, "", {}, {}));

The wrench::BareMetalComputeService class implements a simulation of a compute service that greedily runs jobs submitted to it. You can think of it as a compute server that simply fork-execs (possibly multi-threaded) processes upon request, only ensuring that physical RAM capacity is not exceeded. In this particular case, the compute service is started on host ComputeHost. It has access to the compute resources of that same host (2nd argument). The third argument corresponds to the path of some scratch storage, i.e., storage in which data can be stored temporarily while a job runs. In this case, the scratch storage specification is empty as host ComputeHost has no disk attached to it. (See the examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-chain-scratch example simulator, in which scratch storage is used). The last two arguments are std::map objects (in this case both empty), that are used to configure properties of the compute service (see details in this section below).

The second service is a storage service:

auto storage_service = simulation.add(new wrench::SimpleStorageService( "WMSHost", {"/"}, {{wrench::SimpleStorageServiceProperty::BUFFER_SIZE, "50000000"}}, {}));

The wrench::SimpleStorageService class implements a simulation of a remotely-accessible storage service on which files can be stored, copied, deleted, read, and written. In this particular case, the storage service is started on host WMSHost. It uses storage mounted at /. The last two arguments, as for the compute service, are used to configure particular properties of the service. In this case, the service is configured to use a 50-MB buffer size to pipeline network and disk accesses (see details in this section below).

The third service is a file registry service:

auto file_registry_service = new wrench::FileRegistryService("WMSHost");

The wrench::FileRegistryService class implements a simulation of a key-values pair service that stores for each file (the key) the locations where the file is available for read/write access (the values). This service can be used by a WMS to find out where workflow files are located (and is often required - see Step #4 hereafter).

Step 4: Create at least one workflow

Every WRENCH simulator simulates the execution of a workflow, and thus must create an instance of the wrench::Workflow class. This class has member functions to manually create tasks and files and add them to the workflow. For instance, the bare-metal-chain simulator does this as follows:

/* Add workflow tasks */
for (int i=0; i < num_tasks; i++) {
/* Create a task: 10GFlop, 1 to 10 cores, 10MB memory footprint */
auto task = workflow.addTask("task_" + std::to_string(i), 10000000000.0, 1, 10, 10000000);
/* Add workflow files */
for (int i=0; i < num_tasks+1; i++) {
/* Create a 100MB file */
workflow.addFile("file_" + std::to_string(i), 100000000);
/* Set input/output files for each task */
for (int i=0; i < num_tasks; i++) {
auto task = workflow.getTaskByID("task_" + std::to_string(i));
task->addInputFile(workflow.getFileByID("file_" + std::to_string(i)));
task->addOutputFile(workflow.getFileByID("file_" + std::to_string(i + 1)));

The above creates a "chain" workflow (hence the name of the simulator), in which the output from one task is input to the next task. The number of tasks is obtained from a command-line argument. In the above code, each task has 100% parallel efficiency (e.g., will run 10 times faster when running on 10 cores than when running on 1 core). It is possible to customize the parallel efficiency behavior of a task, as demonstrated in examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-multicore-tasks for an example simulator in which tasks with different parallel efficiency models are created and executed.

The wrench::Workflow class also provides member functions to import workflows from workflow description files in standard JSON format and DAX format.

The input files to the workflow must be available (at some storage service) before the simulated workflow execution begins. These are the files that are input to some tasks, but not output from any task. They must be "staged" on some storage service, and the bare-metal-chain simulator does it as:

for (auto const &f : workflow.getInputFiles()) {
simulation.stageFile(f, storage_service);

Note that in this particular case there is a single input file. But the code above is more general, as it iterates over all workflow input files. The above code will throw an exception if no wrench::FileRegistryService instance has been added to the simulation.

Step 5: Instantiate at least one WMS per workflow

One special service that must be started is a Workflow Management System (WMS) service, i.e., software that is in charge of executing the workflow given available software and hardware resources. The bare-metal-chain simulator does this as:

auto wms = simulation.add(new wrench::OneTaskAtATimeWMS({baremetal_service}, {storage_service}, "WMSHost"));

Class wrench::OneTaskAtATimeWMS, which is part of this example simulator, is implemented using the WRENCH Developer API. See the WRENCH 102 page for information on how to implement a WMS with WRENCH. The code above passes the list of compute services (1st argument) and the list of storage services (2nd argument) to the WMS constructor. The 3rd argument specifies that the WMS should run on host WMSHost.

The previously created workflow is then associated to the WMS:


Step 6: Launch the simulation

This is the easiest step, and is done by simply calling wrench::Simulation::launch():


This call checks the simulation setup, and blocks until the WMS terminates.

Step 7: Process simulation output

Once wrench::Simulation::launch() has returned, simulation output can be processed programmatically. The wrench::Simulation::getOutput() member function returns an instance of class wrench::SimulationOutput. Note that there are member functions to configure the type and amount of output generated (see the wrench::SimulationOutput::enable*Timestamps() member functions). The bare-metal-chain simulator does minimal output processing as:

for (auto const &item : trace) {
std::cerr << "Task " << item->getContent()->getTask()->getID() << " completed at time " << item->getDate() << std::endl;

Specifically, class wrench::SimulationOutput has a templated wrench::SimulationOutput::getTrace() member function to retrieve traces for various information types. The first line of code above returns a std::vector of time-stamped task completion events.
The second line of code iterates through this vector and prints task names and task completion dates (in seconds). The classes that implement time-stamped events are all classes named wrench::SimulationTimestampSomething, where "_Something_" is self-explanatory (e.g., TaskCompletion, TaskFailure).

Another kind of output is (simulated) energy consumption. WRENCH leverages SimGrid's energy plugin, which provides accounting for computing time and dissipated energy in the simulated platform. SimGrid's energy plugin requires host pstate definitions (levels of performance, CPU frequency) in the XML platform description file. The wrench::Simulation::getEnergyConsumed() member function returns energy consumed by all hosts in the platform. Important: The energy plugin is NOT enabled by default in WRENCH simulations. To enable it, pass the --wrench-energy-simulation command line option to the simulator. See examples/basic-examples/cloud-bag-of-tasks-energy for an example simulator that makes use of this plugin (and an example platform description file that defines host power consumption profiles).

It is also possible to dump all simulation output to a JSON file. This is done with the wrench::SimulationOutput::dump*JSON() member functions. The documentation of each member function details the structure of the JSON output, in case you want to parse/process the JSON by hand. See the API documentation of the wrench::SimulationOutput class for all details.

Alternatively, you can run the installed wrench-dashboard tool, which provides interactive visualization/inspection of the generated JSON simulation output. You can run the dashboard for the JSON output generated by the example simulators in examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-bag-of-task and examples/basic-examples/cloud-bag-of-task. These simulators produce a JSON file in /tmp/wrench.json. Simply run the command wrench-dashboard, which pops up a Web browser window in which you simply upload the /tmp/wrench.json file.

Available services

Below is the list of services available to-date in WRENCH. Click on the corresponding links for more information on what these services are and on how to create them.

  • Compute Services: These are services that know how to compute workflow tasks:
    • Bare-metal Servers
    • Cloud Platforms
    • Virtualized Cluster Platforms
    • Batch-scheduled Clusters
    • HTCondor
  • Storage Services: These are services that know how to store and give access to workflow files:
    • Simple Storage Service
  • File Registry Services: These services, also known as replica catalogs, are simply databases of <filename, list of locations> key-values pairs of the storage services on which copies of files are available.
    • File Registry Service
  • Network Proximity Services: These are services that monitor the network and maintain a database of host-to-host network distances:
    • Network Proximity Service
  • EnergyMeter Services: These services are used to periodically measure host energy consumption and include these measurements in the simulation output
    (see this section).
    • Energy Meter Service
  • Workflow Management Systems (WMSs) (derives wrench::WMS): A WMS provides the mechanisms for executing workflow applications, include decision-making for optimizing various objectives (often attempting to minimize workflow execution time).
    At least one WMS should be provided for running a simulation. By default, WRENCH does not provide a WMS implementation as part of its core components. Each example simulator in the examples/ directory implements its own WMS. Additional WMS implementations may also be found on the WRENCH project website. See WRENCH 102 for information on how to implement a WMS.

Customizing services

Each service is customizable by passing to its constructor a property list, i.e., a key-value map where each key is a property and each value is a string. Each service defines a property class. For instance, the wrench::Service class has an associated wrench::ServiceProperty class, the wrench::ComputeService class has an associated wrench::ComputeServiceProperty class, and so on at all levels of the service class hierarchy.

The API documentation for these property classes explains what each property means, what possible values are, and what default values are. Other properties have more to do with what the service can or should do when in operation. For instance, the wrench::BatchComputeServiceProperty class defines a wrench::BatchComputeServiceProperty::BATCH_SCHEDULING_ALGORITHM which specifies what scheduling algorithm a batch service should use for prioritizing jobs. All property classes inherit from the wrench::ServiceProperty class, and one can explore that hierarchy to discover all possible (and there are many) service customization opportunities.

Finally, each service exchanges messages on the network with other services (e.g., a WMS service sends a "do some work" message to a compute service). The size in bytes, or payload, of all messages can be customized similarly to the properties, i.e., by passing a key-value map to the service's constructor. For instance, the wrench::ServiceMessagePayload class defines a wrench::ServiceMessagePayload::STOP_DAEMON_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD property which can be used to customize the size, in bytes, of the control message sent to the service daemon (that is the entry point to the service) to tell it to terminate. Each service class has a corresponding message payload class, and the API documentation for these message payload classes details all messages whose payload can be customized.

Customizing logging

When running a WRENCH simulator you may notice that there is no logging output. By default logging output is disabled, but it is often useful to enable it (remembering that it can slow down the simulation). WRENCH's logging system is a thin layer on top of SimGrid's logging system, and as such is controlled via command-line arguments.

The bare-metal-chain example simulator can be executed as follows in the examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-chain directory:

./wrench-example-bare-metal-chain 10 ./two_hosts.xml

The above generates no output whatsoever. It is possible to enable some logging to the terminal. It turns out the WMS class in that example (OneTaskAtATimeWMS.cpp) defines a logging category named custom_wms (see one of the first lines of examples/basic-examples/bare-metal-chain/OneTaskAtATimeWMS.cpp), which can be enabled as:

./wrench-example-bare-metal-chain 10 ./two_hosts.xml --log=custom_wms.threshold=info

You will now see some (green) logging output that is generated by the WMS implementation. It is typical to want to see these messages as the WMS is the brain of the workflow execution. They can be enabled while other messages are disabled as follows:

One can disable the coloring of the logging output with the --wrench-no-color argument:

./wrench-example-bare-metal-chain 10 ./two_hosts.xml --log=custom_wms.threshold=info --wrench-no-color

Disabling color can be useful when redirecting the logging output to a file.

Enabling all logging is done with the argument --wrench-full-log:

./wrench-example-bare-metal-chain 10 ./two_hosts.xml --wrench-full-log

The logging output now contains output produced by all the simulated running processed. More details on logging capabilities are displayed when passing the --help-logs command-line argument to your simulator. Log category names are attached to *.cpp files in the simulator code, the WRENCH code, and the SimGrid code. Using the --help-log-categories command-line argument shows the entire log category hierarchy (which is huge).

See the Simgrid logging documentation for all details.

static const std::string BUFFER_SIZE
Buffer size used when copying/communicating data:
Definition: StorageServiceProperty.h:32
WorkflowFile * addFile(std::string, double)
Add a new file to the workflow.
Definition: Workflow.cpp:235
std::shared_ptr< T > add(T *t)
Method to add a service to the simulation.
Definition: Simulation.h:74
void instantiatePlatform(std::string)
Instantiate a simulated platform.
Definition: Simulation.cpp:242
A file registry service (a.k.a. replica catalog) that holds a database of which files are available a...
Definition: FileRegistryService.h:35
const std::string & getID() const
Get the id of the task.
Definition: WorkflowTask.cpp:117
void addInputFile(WorkflowFile *file)
Add an input file to the task.
Definition: WorkflowTask.cpp:57
std::vector< WorkflowFile * > getInputFiles() const
Retrieve the list of the input files of the workflow (i.e., those files that are input to some tasks ...
Definition: Workflow.cpp:538
WorkflowTask * addTask(std::string, double flops, unsigned long min_num_cores, unsigned long max_num_cores, double memory_requirement)
Create and add a new computational task to the workflow.
Definition: Workflow.cpp:40
std::vector< SimulationTimestamp< T > * > getTrace()
Retrieve a copy of a simulation output trace once the simulation has completed.
Definition: SimulationOutput.h:38
A compute service that manages a set of multi-core compute hosts and provides access to their resourc...
Definition: BareMetalComputeService.h:48
WorkflowFile * getFileByID(const std::string &id)
Find a WorkflowFile based on its ID.
Definition: Workflow.cpp:264
Definition: Alarm.cpp:20
A workflow (to be executed by a WMS)
Definition: Workflow.h:34
void launch()
Launch the simulation.
Definition: Simulation.cpp:411
WorkflowTask * getTask()
Retrieves the WorkflowTask associated with this timestamp.
Definition: SimulationTimestampTypes.cpp:80
void init(int *, char **)
Initialize the simulation, which parses out WRENCH-specific and SimGrid-specific command-line argumen...
Definition: Simulation.cpp:97
A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask completion times.
Definition: SimulationTimestampTypes.h:144
A class that provides basic simulation methods. Once the simulation object has been explicitly or imp...
Definition: Simulation.h:46
void stageFile(WorkflowFile *file, std::shared_ptr< StorageService > ss)
Stage a copy of a file at a storage service in the root of the (unique) mount point.
Definition: Simulation.cpp:701
SimulationOutput & getOutput()
Get the simulation output object.
Definition: Simulation.cpp:1138
A storage service that provides direct access to some storage resources (e.g., one or more disks)....
Definition: SimpleStorageService.h:44
WorkflowTask * getTaskByID(const std::string &id)
Find a WorkflowTask based on its ID.
Definition: Workflow.cpp:148