WRENCH  1.10
Cyberinfrastructure Simulation Workbench
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cwrench::BatchJobA batch job, which encapsulates a WorkflowJob and additional information used by a batch
 Cwrench::BatchSchedulerAn abstract class that defines a batch scheduler
 Cwrench::BatschedBatchSchedulerA class that defines a batsched batch scheduler
 Cwrench::HomegrownBatchSchedulerAn abstract class that defines a batch scheduler
 Cwrench::BatschedNetworkListenerAn empty class to make Doxygen happy when Batsched is not enabled
 Cwrench::BlockA class that implements a "block" abstraction for memory management
 Cwrench::DagOfTasksAn internal class that uses the Boost Graph Library to implement a DAG of WorkflowTask objects
 Cwrench::DynamicOptimizationAn abstract class that serves as a base class for implementing dynamic (i.e., at runtime) optimizations to be used by a WMS while executing a Workflow
 Cwrench::WorkflowExecutionExceptionAn generic exception that is thrown whenever something unexpected (but simulation-valid) occurs during the simulated execution of a WMS
 Cwrench::FailureCauseA top-level class to describe all simulation-valid failures that can occur during workflow execution (and should/could be handled by a WMS)
 Cwrench::ComputeThreadHasDiedA "compute thread has died" failure cause
 Cwrench::FatalFailureAn "Unknown" failure cause (should not happen)
 Cwrench::FileAlreadyBeingCopiedA "file is already being copied" failure cause
 Cwrench::FileNotFoundA "file was not found" failure cause
 Cwrench::FunctionalityNotAvailableA "requested functionality is not available on that service" failure cause
 Cwrench::HostErrorA "host error" failure cause (e.g., attempted to start a daemon on a host that is off)
 Cwrench::InvalidDirectoryPathA "unknown mount point storage service" failure cause
 Cwrench::JobKilledA "job has been killed" failure cause
 Cwrench::JobTimeoutA "job has timed out" failure cause
 Cwrench::JobTypeNotSupportedA "compute service does not support requested job type" failure cause
 Cwrench::NetworkErrorA "network error (or endpoint is down)" failure cause
 Cwrench::NoScratchSpaceA "no scratch space" failure cause
 Cwrench::NotAllowedA "operation not allowed" failure cause
 Cwrench::NotEnoughResourcesA "compute service doesn't have enough cores" failure cause
 Cwrench::ServiceIsDownA "service is down" failure cause
 Cwrench::ServiceIsSuspendedA "service is suspended" failure cause
 Cwrench::StorageServiceNotEnoughSpaceA "not enough space on storage service" failure cause
 Cwrench::FileLocationA class that encodes a file location
 Cwrench::SimulationTrace< T >A template class to represent a trace of timestamps
 Cwrench::SimulationTrace< SimulationTimestampPstateSet >A specialized class to represent a trace of SimulationTimestampPstateSet timestamps
 Cwrench::LogicalFileSystemA class that implements a weak file system abstraction
 Cwrench::ParallelModelA virtual class (with convenient static methods) to define parallel task performance models
 Cwrench::AmdahlParallelModelA class that defines an Amdahl's Law-based parallel task performance model
 Cwrench::ConstantEfficiencyParallelModelA class the implemens a constant-efficiency parallel task performance model
 Cwrench::CustomParallelModelA class that defines a custom parallel task performance model
 Cwrench::PegasusWorkflowParserA class that implement methods to read workflow files provided by the Pegasus project
 Cwrench::PilotJobSchedulerA (mostly virtual) base class for implementing PilotJob scheduling algorithms to be used by a WMS
 Cwrench::PointerUtilA helper class that implements useful smart pointer operations
 Cwrench::S4U_DaemonA generic "running daemon" abstraction that serves as a basis for all simulated processes
 Cwrench::ServiceA service that can be added to the simulation and that can be used by a WMS when executing a workflow
 Cwrench::S4U_DaemonActorThe S4U actor that's the foundation for the S4U_Daemon abstraction
 Cwrench::S4U_MailboxWrappers around S4U's communication methods
 Cwrench::S4U_PendingCommunicationThis is a simple wrapper class around S4U asynchronous communication checking methods
 Cwrench::S4U_SimulationWrappers around S4U's basic simulation methods
 Cwrench::S4U_VirtualMachineA wrapper for the simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine class
 Cwrench::ServiceMessagePayloadConfigurable message payloads for a Service
 Cwrench::ComputeServiceMessagePayloadConfigurable message payloads for a ComputeService
 Cwrench::FileRegistryServiceMessagePayloadConfigurable message payload for a FileRegistryService
 Cwrench::NetworkProximityServiceMessagePayloadConfigurable message payloads for a NetworkProximityService
 Cwrench::StorageServiceMessagePayloadConfigurable message payloads for a StorageService
 Cwrench::ServicePropertyConfigurable properties for a Service
 Cwrench::ComputeServicePropertyConfigurable properties for a ComputeService
 Cwrench::FileRegistryServicePropertyConfigurable properties for a FileRegistryService
 Cwrench::HostStateChangeDetectorPropertyConfigurable properties for a HostStateChangeDetector
 Cwrench::NetworkProximityServicePropertyConfigurable properties for a NetworkProximityService
 Cwrench::StorageServicePropertyConfigurable properties for a StorageService
 Cwrench::SimulationA class that provides basic simulation methods. Once the simulation object has been explicitly or implicitly destroyed, then any call to the WRENCH APIs has undefied behavior (due to memory_manager_service being de-allocated)
 Cwrench::SimulationMessageTop-level class to describe a message communicated by processes in the simulation
 Cwrench::HostStateChangeDetectorMessageTop-level class for messages received/sent by a HostStateChangeDetector
 Cwrench::JobManagerMessageTop-level class for messages received/sent by a JobManager
 Cwrench::ServiceMessageTop-level class for messages received/sent by a Service
 Cwrench::ServiceTerminationDetectorMessageTop-level class for messages received/sent by a ServiceTerminationDetector
 Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorMessageTop-level class for messages received/sent by a StandardJobExecutor
 Cwrench::WMSMessageTop-level class for messages received/sent by a WMS
 Cwrench::SimulationOutputA class that contains post-mortem simulation-generated data
 Cwrench::SimulationTimestamp< T >A time-stamped simulation event stored in SimulationOutput
 Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTypeFile, Source, Whoami used to be hashed as key for unordered multimap for ongoing file operations
 Cwrench::SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumptionA simulation timestamp class for energy consumption
 Cwrench::SimulationTimestampLinkUsageA simulation timestamp class for link usage
 Cwrench::SimulationTimestampPairA base class for simulation timestamps
 Cwrench::SimulationTimestampPstateSetA simulation timestamp class for changes in a host's pstate
 Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorMessagePayloadConfigurable message payloads for a StandardJobExecutor
 Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorPropertyConfigurable properties for a StandardJobExecutor
 Cwrench::StandardJobSchedulerA (mostly virtual) base class for implementing StandardJob scheduling algorithms to be used by a WMS
 Cwrench::StaticOptimizationAn abstract class that serves as a base class for implementing static (i.e., before workflow execution) optimizations to be used by a WMS
 Cwrench::TerminalOutputColor-enabling wrappers around Simgrid's XBT_INFO, XBT_DEBUG, XBT_WARN logging macros
 Cwrench::TraceFileLoaderA class that can load a job submission trace (a.k.a. supercomputer workload) in the SWF format (see http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/parallel/workload/swf.html) and store it as a vector of simulation-relevant fields
 Cwrench::UnitParserA class used to part string specification of values with units into a single value (e.g., "2KB" -> 2048 bytes, "2Kb" -> 256 bytes)
 Cwrench::VertexPropertiesData structure to store vertex properties
 Cwrench::WorkflowA workflow (to be executed by a WMS)
 Cwrench::WorkflowExecutionEventA class to represent the various execution events that are relevant to the execution of a workflow
 Cwrench::FileCopyCompletedEventA "file copy has completed" WorkflowExecutionEvent
 Cwrench::FileCopyFailedEventA "file copy has failed" WorkflowExecutionEvent
 Cwrench::PilotJobExpiredEventA "pilot job has expired" WorkflowExecutionEvent
 Cwrench::PilotJobStartedEventA "pilot job has started" WorkflowExecutionEvent
 Cwrench::StandardJobCompletedEventA "standard job has completed" WorkflowExecutionEvent
 Cwrench::StandardJobFailedEventA "standard job has failed" WorkflowExecutionEvent
 Cwrench::TimerEventA "timer went off" WorkflowExecutionEvent
 Cwrench::WorkflowFileA data file used/produced by a WorkflowTask in a Workflow
 Cwrench::WorkflowJobAbstraction of a job used for executing tasks in a Workflow
 Cwrench::PilotJobA pilot (i.e., non-standard) workflow job that can be submitted to a ComputeService by a WMS (via a JobManager)
 Cwrench::StandardJobA standard (i.e., non-pilot) workflow job that can be submitted to a ComputeService by a WMS (via a JobManager)
 Cwrench::WorkflowTaskA computational task in a Workflow
 Cwrench::WorkflowTask::WorkflowTaskExecutionA data structure that keeps track of a task's execution event times
 Cwrench::WorkunitA class to describe a unit of work that's a sub-component of a StandardJob