Cwrench::BatchJob | A batch job, which encapsulates a WorkflowJob and additional information used by a batch |
▼Cwrench::BatchScheduler | An abstract class that defines a batch scheduler |
Cwrench::BatschedBatchScheduler | A class that defines a batsched batch scheduler |
►Cwrench::HomegrownBatchScheduler | An abstract class that defines a batch scheduler |
Cwrench::CONSERVATIVEBFBatchScheduler | A class that defines a conservative backfilling batch scheduler |
Cwrench::CONSERVATIVEBFBatchSchedulerCoreLevel | A class that defines a conservative backfilling batch scheduler |
Cwrench::FCFSBatchScheduler | A class that implements a FCFS batch scheduler |
Cwrench::BatschedNetworkListener | An empty class to make Doxygen happy when Batsched is not enabled |
Cwrench::Block | A class that implements a "block" abstraction for memory management |
Cwrench::DagOfTasks | An internal class that uses the Boost Graph Library to implement a DAG of WorkflowTask objects |
Cwrench::DynamicOptimization | An abstract class that serves as a base class for implementing dynamic (i.e., at runtime) optimizations to be used by a WMS while executing a Workflow |
▼Cexception | |
Cwrench::WorkflowExecutionException | An generic exception that is thrown whenever something unexpected (but simulation-valid) occurs during the simulated execution of a WMS |
▼Cwrench::FailureCause | A top-level class to describe all simulation-valid failures that can occur during workflow execution (and should/could be handled by a WMS) |
Cwrench::ComputeThreadHasDied | A "compute thread has died" failure cause |
Cwrench::FatalFailure | An "Unknown" failure cause (should not happen) |
Cwrench::FileAlreadyBeingCopied | A "file is already being copied" failure cause |
Cwrench::FileNotFound | A "file was not found" failure cause |
Cwrench::FunctionalityNotAvailable | A "requested functionality is not available on that service" failure cause |
Cwrench::HostError | A "host error" failure cause (e.g., attempted to start a daemon on a host that is off) |
Cwrench::InvalidDirectoryPath | A "unknown mount point storage service" failure cause |
Cwrench::JobKilled | A "job has been killed" failure cause |
Cwrench::JobTimeout | A "job has timed out" failure cause |
Cwrench::JobTypeNotSupported | A "compute service does not support requested job type" failure cause |
Cwrench::NetworkError | A "network error (or endpoint is down)" failure cause |
Cwrench::NoScratchSpace | A "no scratch space" failure cause |
Cwrench::NotAllowed | A "operation not allowed" failure cause |
Cwrench::NotEnoughResources | A "compute service doesn't have enough cores" failure cause |
Cwrench::ServiceIsDown | A "service is down" failure cause |
Cwrench::ServiceIsSuspended | A "service is suspended" failure cause |
Cwrench::StorageServiceNotEnoughSpace | A "not enough space on storage service" failure cause |
Cwrench::FileLocation | A class that encodes a file location |
▼CGenericSimulationTrace | |
Cwrench::SimulationTrace< T > | A template class to represent a trace of timestamps |
Cwrench::SimulationTrace< SimulationTimestampPstateSet > | A specialized class to represent a trace of SimulationTimestampPstateSet timestamps |
Cwrench::LogicalFileSystem | A class that implements a weak file system abstraction |
▼Cwrench::ParallelModel | A virtual class (with convenient static methods) to define parallel task performance models |
Cwrench::AmdahlParallelModel | A class that defines an Amdahl's Law-based parallel task performance model |
Cwrench::ConstantEfficiencyParallelModel | A class the implemens a constant-efficiency parallel task performance model |
Cwrench::CustomParallelModel | A class that defines a custom parallel task performance model |
Cwrench::PegasusWorkflowParser | A class that implement methods to read workflow files provided by the Pegasus project |
Cwrench::PilotJobScheduler | A (mostly virtual) base class for implementing PilotJob scheduling algorithms to be used by a WMS |
Cwrench::PointerUtil | A helper class that implements useful smart pointer operations |
▼Cwrench::S4U_Daemon | A generic "running daemon" abstraction that serves as a basis for all simulated processes |
►Cwrench::Service | A service that can be added to the simulation and that can be used by a WMS when executing a workflow |
Cwrench::Alarm | A one-shot service that sends a message to a mailbox after some specified amount of time and terminates |
Cwrench::BandwidthMeterService | A service that measures and records bandwidth usage on a set of links at regular time intervals |
►Cwrench::ComputeService | The compute service base class |
Cwrench::BareMetalComputeService | A compute service that manages a set of multi-core compute hosts and provides access to their resources |
Cwrench::BatchComputeService | A batch-scheduled compute service that manages a set of compute hosts and controls access to their resource via a batch queue |
►Cwrench::CloudComputeService | A cloud-based compute service that manages a set of physical hosts and controls access to their resources by (transparently) executing jobs in VM instances |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeService | A virtualized cluster-based compute service |
Cwrench::HTCondorCentralManagerService | A HTCondor central manager service implementation |
Cwrench::HTCondorComputeService | A workload management framework compute service |
Cwrench::ComputeThread | A one-shot service that simulates a CPU-bound thread that performs a given number of flops and then reports to some mailbox saying "I am done" |
Cwrench::DataMovementManager | A helper daemon (co-located with a WMS) that handles data movement operations |
Cwrench::EnergyMeterService | A service that measures and records energy consumption on a set of hosts at regular time intervals |
Cwrench::FileRegistryService | A file registry service (a.k.a. replica catalog) that holds a database of which files are available at which storage services. Specifically, the database holds a set of <file, storage service> entries. A WMS can add, lookup, and remove entries at will from this database |
Cwrench::FileTransferThread | A helper class that implements the concept of a communication thread that performs a file transfer |
Cwrench::HostStateChangeDetector | A service that detects and reports on host state changes (turned on, turned off) |
Cwrench::HTCondorNegotiatorService | A HTCondor negotiator service |
Cwrench::JobManager | A helper daemon (co-located with and explicitly started by a WMS), which is used to handle all job executions |
Cwrench::MemoryManager | A class that implemnets a MemoryManager service to simulate Linux in-memory page caching for I/O operations |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityDaemon | A daemon used by a NetworkProximityService to run network measurements (proximity is computed between two such running daemons) |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityService | A network proximity service that continuously estimates inter-host latencies and can be queried for such estimates |
Cwrench::ServiceTerminationDetector | A service that immediately detects when some service crashes and then notifies some other service of the crash |
Cwrench::StandardJobExecutor | A service that knows how to execute a standard job on a multi-node multi-core platform. Note that when killed in the middle of computing, this service will set (internal) running tasks' states to FAILED, and likely the calling service will want to make failed tasks READY and NOT_READY again to "unwind" the failed executions and resubmit tasks for execution. Also, this service does not increment task failure counts, as it does not know if the kill() was an actual failure (i.e., some timeout) or a feature (i.e., a WMS changing its mind) |
►Cwrench::StorageService | The storage service base class |
Cwrench::SimpleStorageService | A storage service that provides direct access to some storage resources (e.g., one or more disks). An important (configurable) property of the storage service is SimpleStorageServiceProperty::BUFFER_SIZE (see documentation thereof), which defines the buffer size that the storage service uses. Specifically, when the storage service receives/sends data from/to the network, it does so in a loop over data "chunks", with pipelined network and disk I/O operations. The smaller the buffer size the more "fluid" the model, but the more time-consuming the simulation. A large buffer size, however, may lead to less realistic simulations. At the extreme, an infinite buffer size would correspond to fully sequential executions (first a network receive/send, and then a disk write/read). Setting the buffer size to "0" corresponds to a fully fluid model in which individual data chunk operations are not simulated, thus achieving both accuracy (unless one specifically wishes to study the effects of buffering) and quick simulation times. For now, setting the buffer size to "0" is not implemented. The default buffer size is 10 MiB (note that the user can always declare a disk with arbitrary bandwidth in the platform description XML) |
►Cwrench::WMS | A workflow management system (WMS) |
Cwrench::WorkloadTraceFileReplayer | A service that goes through a job submission trace (as loaded by a TraceFileLoader), and "replays" it on a given BatchComputeService |
Cwrench::WorkloadTraceFileReplayerEventReceiver | A WMS that only submits a single job to a given batch service, which is used to implement batch workload replay |
Cwrench::WorkunitExecutor | An service that performs a WorkUnit |
Cwrench::S4U_DaemonActor | The S4U actor that's the foundation for the S4U_Daemon abstraction |
Cwrench::S4U_Mailbox | Wrappers around S4U's communication methods |
Cwrench::S4U_PendingCommunication | This is a simple wrapper class around S4U asynchronous communication checking methods |
Cwrench::S4U_Simulation | Wrappers around S4U's basic simulation methods |
Cwrench::S4U_VirtualMachine | A wrapper for the simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine class |
▼Cwrench::ServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a Service |
►Cwrench::ComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a ComputeService |
Cwrench::BareMetalComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a MultiHostMulticoreComputeService |
Cwrench::BatchComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a batch |
►Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a CloudService |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a VirtualizedClusterComputeService |
Cwrench::HTCondorCentralManagerServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for an HTCondor Central Manager service |
Cwrench::HTCondorComputeServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for an htcondor |
Cwrench::FileRegistryServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payload for a FileRegistryService |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a NetworkProximityService |
►Cwrench::StorageServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a StorageService |
Cwrench::SimpleStorageServiceMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a SimpleStorageService |
▼Cwrench::ServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a Service |
►Cwrench::ComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a ComputeService |
Cwrench::BareMetalComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a bare_metal |
Cwrench::BatchComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a BatchComputeService |
►Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a CloudComputeService |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a VirtualizedClusterComputeService |
Cwrench::HTCondorComputeServiceProperty | Properties for an HTCondor service |
Cwrench::FileRegistryServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a FileRegistryService |
Cwrench::HostStateChangeDetectorProperty | Configurable properties for a HostStateChangeDetector |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a NetworkProximityService |
►Cwrench::StorageServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a StorageService |
Cwrench::SimpleStorageServiceProperty | Configurable properties for a SimpleStorageService |
Cwrench::Simulation | A class that provides basic simulation methods. Once the simulation object has been explicitly or implicitly destroyed, then any call to the WRENCH APIs has undefied behavior (due to memory_manager_service being de-allocated) |
▼Cwrench::SimulationMessage | Top-level class to describe a message communicated by processes in the simulation |
►Cwrench::HostStateChangeDetectorMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a HostStateChangeDetector |
Cwrench::HostHasChangedSpeedMessage | A message sent by the HostStateChangeDetector to notify some listener that a host has changed speed |
Cwrench::HostHasTurnedOffMessage | A message sent by the HostStateChangeDetector to notify some listener that a host has turned off |
Cwrench::HostHasTurnedOnMessage | A message sent by the HostStateChangeDetector to notify some listener that a host has turned on |
►Cwrench::JobManagerMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a JobManager |
Cwrench::JobManagerStandardJobDoneMessage | A message sent by the JobManager to notify some submitter that a StandardJob has completed |
Cwrench::JobManagerStandardJobFailedMessage | A message sent by the JobManager to notify some submitter that a StandardJob has failed |
►Cwrench::ServiceMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a Service |
Cwrench::AlarmJobTimeOutMessage | A message sent by an alarm when a job goes over its requested execution time |
►Cwrench::ComputeServiceMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a ComputeService |
►Cwrench::BatchComputeServiceMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a BatchComputeService |
Cwrench::BatchComputeServiceJobRequestMessage | A message sent to a BatchComputeService to submit a batch job for execution |
Cwrench::BatchExecuteJobFromBatSchedMessage | A message sent by a BatschedNetworkListener to a Batsched-enabled BatchComputeService to tell it to start a job execution, passing it the JSON reply received from Batsched |
Cwrench::BatchQueryAnswerMessage | A message send by a BatschedNetworkListener to a Batsched-enabled BatchComputeService with a job start time estimate obtained from Batsched |
►Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a CloudComputeService |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceCreateVMAnswerMessage | A message sent by a CloudComputeService in answer to a VM creation request |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceCreateVMRequestMessage | A message sent to a CloudComputeService to request a VM creation |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceDestroyVMAnswerMessage | A message sent by a CloudComputeService in answer to a VM destroy request |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceDestroyVMRequestMessage | A message sent to a CloudComputeService to request a VM destruction |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceGetExecutionHostsAnswerMessage | A message sent by a CloudComputeService in answer to a list of execution hosts request |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceGetExecutionHostsRequestMessage | A message sent to a CloudComputeService to request the list of its execution hosts |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceResumeVMAnswerMessage | A message sent by a CloudComputeService in answer to a VM resume request |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceResumeVMRequestMessage | A message sent to a CloudComputeService to request a VM resume |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceShutdownVMAnswerMessage | A message sent by a CloudComputeService in answer to a VM shutdown request |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceShutdownVMRequestMessage | A message sent to a CloudComputeService to request a VM shutdown |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceStartVMAnswerMessage | A message sent by a CloudComputeService in answer to a VM start request |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceStartVMRequestMessage | A message sent to a CloudComputeService to request a VM start |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceSuspendVMAnswerMessage | A message sent by a CloudComputeService in answer to a VM suspend request |
Cwrench::CloudComputeServiceSuspendVMRequestMessage | A message sent to a CloudComputeService to request a VM suspend |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceIsThereAtLeastOneHostWithAvailableResourcesAnswerMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService in answer to a "does at least one host have these available resources" request |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceIsThereAtLeastOneHostWithAvailableResourcesRequestMessage | A message sent to a ComputeService to asks if at least one host has some available resources right now |
Cwrench::ComputeServicePilotJobExpiredMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService when a PilotJob has expired |
Cwrench::ComputeServicePilotJobFailedMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService when a PilotJob has failed |
Cwrench::ComputeServicePilotJobStartedMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService when a PilotJob has started its execution |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceResourceInformationAnswerMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService in answer to a resource information request |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceResourceInformationRequestMessage | A message sent to a ComputeService to request information on its compute resources |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceStandardJobDoneMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService when a StandardJob has completed execution |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceStandardJobFailedMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService when a StandardJob has failed to execute |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceSubmitPilotJobAnswerMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService in answer to a PilotJob submission request |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceSubmitPilotJobRequestMessage | A message sent to a ComputeService to submit a PilotJob for execution |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceSubmitStandardJobAnswerMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService in answer to a StandardJob submission request |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceSubmitStandardJobRequestMessage | A message sent to a ComputeService to submit a StandardJob for execution |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceTerminatePilotJobAnswerMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService in answer to a PilotJob termination request |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceTerminatePilotJobRequestMessage | A message sent to a ComputeService to terminate a PilotJob previously submitted for execution |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceTerminateStandardJobAnswerMessage | A message sent by a ComputeService in answer to a StandardJob termination request |
Cwrench::ComputeServiceTerminateStandardJobRequestMessage | A message sent to a ComputeService to terminate a StandardJob previously submitted for execution |
►Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a VirtualizedClusterComputeService |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceMigrateVMAnswerMessage | A message sent by a VirtualizedClusterComputeService in answer to a VM migration request |
Cwrench::VirtualizedClusterComputeServiceMigrateVMRequestMessage | A message sent to a VirtualizedClusterComputeService to request a VM migration |
►Cwrench::FileRegistryMessage | Top-level FileRegistryMessage class |
Cwrench::FileRegistryAddEntryAnswerMessage | A message sent by a FileRegistryService in answer to an entry addition request |
Cwrench::FileRegistryAddEntryRequestMessage | A message sent to a FileRegistryService to request the addition of an entry |
Cwrench::FileRegistryFileLookupAnswerMessage | A message sent by a FileRegistryService in answer to a file lookup request |
Cwrench::FileRegistryFileLookupByProximityAnswerMessage | A message sent by a FileRegistryService in answer to a file lookup request, in which file locations are sorted by decreasing proximity to some reference host |
Cwrench::FileRegistryFileLookupByProximityRequestMessage | A message sent to a FileRegistryService to request a file lookup, expecting a reply in which file locations are sorted by decreasing proximity to some reference host |
Cwrench::FileRegistryFileLookupRequestMessage | A message sent to a FileRegistryService to request a file lookup |
Cwrench::FileRegistryRemoveEntryAnswerMessage | A message sent by a FileRegistryService in answer to an entry removal request |
Cwrench::FileRegistryRemoveEntryRequestMessage | A message sent to a FileRegistryService to request the removal of an entry |
►Cwrench::FileTransferThreadMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a DataCommunicationThread |
Cwrench::FileTransferThreadNotificationMessage | A message sent to by a FileTransferThread to report on success/failure of the transfer |
►Cwrench::HTCondorCentralManagerServiceMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a HTCondorCentralManagerService |
Cwrench::CentralManagerWakeUpMessage | A message received by a HTCondorCentralManagerService so that it wakes up and tries to dispatch jobs again |
Cwrench::NegotiatorCompletionMessage | A message received by a HTCondorCentralManagerService so that it is notified of a negotiator cycle completion |
►Cwrench::NetworkProximityMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a NetworkProximityService |
Cwrench::CoordinateLookupAnswerMessage | A message sent by a NetworkProximityService in answer to a coordinate lookup request |
Cwrench::CoordinateLookupRequestMessage | A message sent to a NetworkProximityService to request a coordinate lookup |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityComputeAnswerMessage | A message received by a NetworkProximityService that updates its database of proximity values |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityLookupAnswerMessage | A message sent by a NetworkProximityService in answer to a network proximity lookup request |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityLookupRequestMessage | A message sent to a NetworkProximityService to request a network proximity lookup |
Cwrench::NetworkProximityTransferMessage | A message sent between NetworkProximityDaemon processes to perform network measurements |
Cwrench::NextContactDaemonAnswerMessage | A message sent by a NetworkProximityService to a NetworkProximityDaemon to tell it which other NetworkProximityDaemons it should do measurements with next |
Cwrench::NextContactDaemonRequestMessage | A message sent to a NetworkProximityService by a NetworkProximityDaemon to ask which other NetworkProximityDaemons it should do measurements with next |
Cwrench::ServiceDaemonStoppedMessage | A message sent by a Service to acknowledge a terminate request |
Cwrench::ServiceStopDaemonMessage | A message sent to a Service to request for it to terminate |
Cwrench::ServiceTTLExpiredMessage | A message sent to a Service to notify it that its time-to-live has expired (which will cause the service to terminate) |
►Cwrench::StorageServiceMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a StorageService |
Cwrench::StorageServiceAckMessage | A message sent by a StorageService as an ack |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileContentChunkMessage | A message sent/received by a StorageService that has a file size as a payload |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileCopyAnswerMessage | A message sent by a StorageService in answer to a file copy request |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileCopyRequestMessage | A message sent to a StorageService to copy a file from another StorageService |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileDeleteAnswerMessage | A message sent by a StorageService in answer to a file deletion request |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileDeleteRequestMessage | A message sent to a StorageService to delete a file |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileLookupAnswerMessage | A message sent by a StorageService in answer to a file lookup request |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileLookupRequestMessage | A message sent to a StorageService to lookup a file |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileReadAnswerMessage | A message sent by a StorageService in answer to a file read request |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileReadRequestMessage | A message sent to a StorageService to read a file |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileWriteAnswerMessage | A message sent by a StorageService in answer to a file write request |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFileWriteRequestMessage | A message sent to a StorageService to write a file |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFreeSpaceAnswerMessage | A message sent by a StorageService in answer to a free space enquiry |
Cwrench::StorageServiceFreeSpaceRequestMessage | A message sent to a StorageService to enquire about its free space |
►Cwrench::ServiceTerminationDetectorMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a ServiceTerminationDetector |
Cwrench::ServiceHasCrashedMessage | A message sent by the ServiceTerminationDetector to notify some listener that the monitored service has crashed |
Cwrench::ServiceHasTerminatedMessage | A message sent by the ServiceTerminationDetector to notify some listener that the monitored service has terminated |
►Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a StandardJobExecutor |
Cwrench::ComputeThreadDoneMessage | A message sent by a ComputeThread once it's done performing its computation |
Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorDoneMessage | A message sent by a StandardJobExecutor to notify that it has completed a StandardJob |
Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorFailedMessage | A message sent by a StandardJobExecutor to notify that its StandardJob has failed |
Cwrench::WorkunitExecutorDoneMessage | A message sent by a WorkunitExecutor to notify that it has completed a WorkUnit |
Cwrench::WorkunitExecutorFailedMessage | A message sent by a WorkunitExecutor to notify that its WorkUnit as failed |
►Cwrench::WMSMessage | Top-level class for messages received/sent by a WMS |
Cwrench::AlarmWMSDeferredStartMessage | Message sent by an alarm to a WMS to tell it that it can start executing its workflow |
Cwrench::AlarmWMSTimerMessage | Message sent when a timer set by a WMS goes off |
Cwrench::SimulationOutput | A class that contains post-mortem simulation-generated data |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestamp< T > | A time-stamped simulation event stored in SimulationOutput |
▼Cwrench::SimulationTimestampType | File, Source, Whoami used to be hashed as key for unordered multimap for ongoing file operations |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumption | A simulation timestamp class for energy consumption |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampLinkUsage | A simulation timestamp class for link usage |
►Cwrench::SimulationTimestampPair | A base class for simulation timestamps |
►Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskRead | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding disk reads |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskReadCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for disk read completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskReadFailure | A simulation timestamp class for disk read failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskReadStart | A simulation timestamp class for disk read start times |
►Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWrite | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding disk writes |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWriteCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for disk write completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWriteFailure | A simulation timestamp class for disk write failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampDiskWriteStart | A simulation timestamp class for disk write start times |
►Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopy | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding file copies |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopyCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for file copy completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopyFailure | A simulation timestamp class for file copy failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileCopyStart | A simulation timestamp class for file copy start times |
►Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileRead | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding file reads |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileReadCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for file read completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileReadFailure | A simulation timestamp class for file read failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileReadStart | A simulation timestamp class for file read start times |
►Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWrite | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding file writes |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWriteCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for file write completions |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWriteFailure | A simulation timestamp class for file write failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampFileWriteStart | A simulation timestamp class for file write start times |
►Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTask | A base class for simulation timestamps regarding workflow tasks |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskCompletion | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask completion times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskFailure | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask failure times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskStart | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask start times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampTaskTermination | A simulation timestamp class for WorkflowTask termination times |
Cwrench::SimulationTimestampPstateSet | A simulation timestamp class for changes in a host's pstate |
Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorMessagePayload | Configurable message payloads for a StandardJobExecutor |
Cwrench::StandardJobExecutorProperty | Configurable properties for a StandardJobExecutor |
Cwrench::StandardJobScheduler | A (mostly virtual) base class for implementing StandardJob scheduling algorithms to be used by a WMS |
Cwrench::StaticOptimization | An abstract class that serves as a base class for implementing static (i.e., before workflow execution) optimizations to be used by a WMS |
Cwrench::TerminalOutput | Color-enabling wrappers around Simgrid's XBT_INFO, XBT_DEBUG, XBT_WARN logging macros |
Cwrench::TraceFileLoader | A class that can load a job submission trace (a.k.a. supercomputer workload) in the SWF format (see and store it as a vector of simulation-relevant fields |
Cwrench::UnitParser | A class used to part string specification of values with units into a single value (e.g., "2KB" -> 2048 bytes, "2Kb" -> 256 bytes) |
Cwrench::VertexProperties | Data structure to store vertex properties |
Cwrench::Workflow | A workflow (to be executed by a WMS) |
▼Cwrench::WorkflowExecutionEvent | A class to represent the various execution events that are relevant to the execution of a workflow |
Cwrench::FileCopyCompletedEvent | A "file copy has completed" WorkflowExecutionEvent |
Cwrench::FileCopyFailedEvent | A "file copy has failed" WorkflowExecutionEvent |
Cwrench::PilotJobExpiredEvent | A "pilot job has expired" WorkflowExecutionEvent |
Cwrench::PilotJobStartedEvent | A "pilot job has started" WorkflowExecutionEvent |
Cwrench::StandardJobCompletedEvent | A "standard job has completed" WorkflowExecutionEvent |
Cwrench::StandardJobFailedEvent | A "standard job has failed" WorkflowExecutionEvent |
Cwrench::TimerEvent | A "timer went off" WorkflowExecutionEvent |
Cwrench::WorkflowFile | A data file used/produced by a WorkflowTask in a Workflow |
▼Cwrench::WorkflowJob | Abstraction of a job used for executing tasks in a Workflow |
Cwrench::PilotJob | A pilot (i.e., non-standard) workflow job that can be submitted to a ComputeService by a WMS (via a JobManager) |
Cwrench::StandardJob | A standard (i.e., non-pilot) workflow job that can be submitted to a ComputeService by a WMS (via a JobManager) |
Cwrench::WorkflowTask | A computational task in a Workflow |
Cwrench::WorkflowTask::WorkflowTaskExecution | A data structure that keeps track of a task's execution event times |
Cwrench::Workunit | A class to describe a unit of work that's a sub-component of a StandardJob |