
class FileRegistryFileLookupByProximityRequestMessage : public wrench::FileRegistryMessage

A message sent to a FileRegistryService to request a file lookup, expecting a reply in which file locations are sorted by decreasing proximity to some reference host.

Public Functions

FileRegistryFileLookupByProximityRequestMessage(simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, std::shared_ptr<DataFile> file, std::string reference_host, std::shared_ptr<NetworkProximityService> network_proximity_service, double payload)


  • answer_mailbox – the mailbox to which the answer message should be sent

  • file – the file to look up

  • reference_host – the host from which network proximity will be calculated from //

  • network_proximity_service – a reference to the network proximity service to be used

  • payload – the message size in bytes

Public Members

simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox

The mailbox to which the answer message should be sent.

std::shared_ptr<DataFile> file

The file to lookup.

std::shared_ptr<NetworkProximityService> network_proximity_service

The network proximity service to be used.

std::string reference_host

The host from which network proximity will be measured from. If ‘host_to_measure_from’ is host ‘A’, and the workflow file resides at hosts ‘B’ and ‘C’, then the proximity will be computed between hosts ‘A’ and ‘B’, and hosts ‘A’ and ‘C’ so that the locations of the workflow file may be sorted with respect to their current network proximity value.