class MemoryManager : public wrench::Service
A class that implemnets a MemoryManager service to simulate Linux in-memory page caching for I/O operations.
Public Functions
Add a file to cache.
- Parameters
filename – file name
location – file location
amount – number of bytes
is_dirty – true or false
double evict(double amount, std::string excluded_filename)
Evicted clean data from page cache.
- Parameters
amount – the requested amount of data to be evicted
excluded_filename – name of file that cannot be evicted
- Returns
evicted amount
void export_log(std::string filename)
Export the log to a file.
- Parameters
filename – file path
double flush(double amount, const std::string &excluded_filename)
Flush dirty data from cache.
- Parameters
amount – request amount to be flushed
excluded_filename – name of file to exclude
- Returns
flushed amount
double getAvailableMemory()
Get currently available cache memory.
- Returns
a number of bytes
double getCachedAmount(std::string filename)
Get amount of cached data of a file in cache.
- Parameters
filename – name of the file
- Returns
the amount of cached data
std::vector<Block*> getCachedBlocks(std::string filename)
Get list of cached blocks of a file.
- Parameters
filename – : name of the file
- Returns
a vector of cached blocks of the file
double getDirty() const
Get number of dirty bytes.
- Returns
a number of bytes
double getDirtyRatio() const
Get the dirty ratio.
- Returns
the dirty ratio
double getEvictableMemory()
Get current evictable memory.
- Returns
a number of bytes
double getFreeMemory() const
Get the amount of free memory.
- Returns
a number of bytes
simgrid::s4u::Disk *getMemory() const
Get the memory disk.
- Returns
the disk that acts as the memory cache
double getTotalCachedAmount() const
Get total number of cached bytes.
- Returns
a number of bytes
double getTotalMemory()
Get total available cache memory.
- Returns
a number of bytes
void kill()
Immediately terminate periodical flushing.
void log()
Append to the log.
void readChunkFromCache(std::string filename, double amount)
Simulate a read from cache, re-access and update cached file data.
- Parameters
filename – name of the file read
amount – number of bytes
Read data from disk to cache.
- Parameters
filename – file name
location – file location
amount – number of bytes
async – tue if operation is asynchronous
- Returns
a simgrid pointer to a pending I/O operation, or nullptr
void releaseMemory(double released_amt)
Release memory.
- Parameters
released_amt – number of bytes to release
void setDirtyRatio(double dirty_ratio)
Set the dirty ratio.
- Parameters
dirty_ratio – the dirty ratio
void setMemory(simgrid::s4u::Disk *memory)
Set the memory disk.
- Parameters
memory – a disk that acts as the memory cache
void useAnonymousMemory(double used_amt)
Update the amount of used memory.
- Parameters
used_amt – number of bytes
Simulate a file write to cache.
- Parameters
filename – name of the file written
location – file location
amount – amount of data written
is_dirty – true or false
Public Static Functions
static simgrid::s4u::Disk *getDisk(std::string mountpoint, std::string hostname)
Retrieve the disk where the file is stored.
- Parameters
mountpoint – mountpoint on the disk where the file is stored
hostname – host at which the file is stored
- Returns
static std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> initAndStart(Simulation *simulation, simgrid::s4u::Disk *memory, double dirty_ratio, int interval, int expired_time, std::string hostname)
Initialize and start the memory_manager_service manager.
- Parameters
simulation –
memory – disk model used to simulate memory_manager_service
dirty_ratio – dirty_ratio parameter as in the Linux kernel
interval – the interval that periodical flushing awakes in milliseconds
expired_time – the expired time of dirty data to be flushed in milliseconds
hostname – name of the host on which periodical flushing starts
- Returns