
class StorageServiceFileCopyRequestMessage : public wrench::StorageServiceMessage

A message sent to a StorageService to copy a file from another StorageService.

Public Functions

StorageServiceFileCopyRequestMessage(simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, std::shared_ptr<DataFile> file, std::shared_ptr<FileLocation> src, std::shared_ptr<FileLocation> dst, std::shared_ptr<FileRegistryService> file_registry_service, double payload)


  • answer_mailbox – the mailbox to which to send the answer

  • file – the file

  • src – the source location

  • dst – the destination location

  • file_registry_service – the file registry service to update (nullptr if none)

  • payload – the message size in bytes



Public Members

simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox

Mailbox to which the answer message should be sent.

std::shared_ptr<FileLocation> dst

The destination location.

std::shared_ptr<DataFile> file

The file to copy.

std::shared_ptr<FileRegistryService> file_registry_service

The file registry service to update, or none if nullptr.

std::shared_ptr<FileLocation> src

The source location.