class FileNotFoundAlarm : public wrench::XRootD::Message
A message who’s only purpose in life is to act as a timeout for file searches looking for files that dont exist.
Public Functions
- Parameters
answer_mailbox – The mailbox the final answer should be sent to
file – The file being searched for
fileReadRequest – Whether this message is in response to a file read request (true) or a file lookup request (false)
answered – A shared boolean for if the answer has been sent to the client. This should be the same for all messages searching for this request. Used to prevent the multiple response problem
Public Members
simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox
Mailbox to which the FINAL answer message should be sent.
std::shared_ptr<bool> answered
Whether or not the calling client has been answered yet. Used to prevent answer_mailbox spamming for multiple file hits.
bool fileReadRequest
Whether this message is in response to a file read request (true) or a file lookup request (false)