
class AdvancedContinueSearchMessage : public wrench::XRootD::ContinueSearchMessage

A message sent to a XRootD Node to delete a file.

Public Functions

AdvancedContinueSearchMessage(AdvancedContinueSearchMessage *toCopy)

Pointer Copy Constructor.


toCopy – The message to copy, timeToLive is decremented

AdvancedContinueSearchMessage(ContinueSearchMessage *toCopy, std::vector<std::stack<Node*>> search_stack)

Pointer Copy Constructor with auxiliary stack.

  • toCopy – The message to copy, timeToLive is decremented

  • search_stack – The available paths to the file

AdvancedContinueSearchMessage(simgrid::s4u::Mailbox *answer_mailbox, std::shared_ptr<StorageServiceFileReadRequestMessage> original, std::shared_ptr<DataFile> file, Node *node, double payload, std::shared_ptr<bool> answered, int timeToLive, std::vector<std::stack<Node*>> search_stack)


  • answer_mailbox – The mailbox the final answer should be sent to

  • original – The original file read request being responded too. If this is a file locate search, this should be null

  • file – The file to search for

  • node – The node where the search was initiated

  • payload – The message size in bytes

  • answered – A shared boolean for if the answer has been sent to the client. This should be the same for all messages searching for this request. Used to prevent the multiple response problem

  • timeToLive – The max number of hops this message can take

  • search_stack – The available paths to the file

Public Members

std::vector<std::stack<Node*>> search_stack

The paths to follow.