class BatchComputeService : public wrench::ComputeService
A batch-scheduled compute service that manages a set of compute hosts and controls access to their resource via a batch queue.
In the current implementation of this service, like for many of its real-world counterparts, memory_manager_service partitioning among jobs onq the same host is not handled. When multiple jobs share hosts, which can happen when jobs require only a few cores per host and can thus be co-located on the same hosts in a non-exclusive fashion, each job simply runs as if it had access to the full RAM of each compute host it is scheduled on. The simulation of these memory_manager_service contended scenarios is thus, for now, not realistic as there is no simulation of the effects of memory_manager_service sharing (e.g., swapping).
Public Functions
BatchComputeService(const std::string &hostname, std::vector<std::string> compute_hosts, const std::string &scratch_space_mount_point, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list = {}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_COLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list = {})
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname on which to start the service
compute_hosts – the list of names of the available compute hosts
the hosts must be homogeneous (speed, number of cores, and RAM size)
all cores are usable by the BatchComputeService service on each host
all RAM is usable by the BatchComputeService service on each host
scratch_space_mount_point – the mount point of the scratch storage space for the service (”” means “no scratch space”)
property_list – a property list that specifies BatchComputeServiceProperty values ({} means “use all defaults”)
messagepayload_list – a message payload list that specifies BatchComputeServiceMessagePayload values ({} means “use all defaults”)
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, int, int, int, double, double>> getQueue()
Gets the state of the BatchComputeService queue.
- Returns:
A vector of tuples:
std::string: username
string: job name
int: num hosts
int: num cores per host
int: time in seconds
double: submit time
double: start time (-1.0 if not started yet)
std::map<std::string, double> getStartTimeEstimates(std::set<std::tuple<std::string, unsigned long, unsigned long, sg_size_t>> resources)
Retrieve start time estimates for a set of job configurations.
- Parameters:
set_of_jobs – the set of job configurations, each of them with an id. Each configuration is a tuple as follows:
a configuration id (std::string)
a number of hosts (unsigned long)
a number of cores per host (unsigned long)
a duration in seconds (double)
- Returns:
start date predictions in seconds (as a map of ids). A prediction that’s negative means that the job configuration can not run on the service (e.g., not enough hosts, not enough cores per host)
virtual bool supportsCompoundJobs() override
Returns true if the service supports compound jobs.
- Returns:
true or false
virtual bool supportsPilotJobs() override
Returns true if the service supports pilot jobs.
- Returns:
true or false
virtual bool supportsStandardJobs() override
Returns true if the service supports standard jobs.
- Returns:
true or false
Method to validate a job’s service-specific arguments.
- Parameters:
job – the job
service_specific_args – the service-specific arguments
Public Static Functions
static unsigned long parseUnsignedLongServiceSpecificArgument(const std::string &key, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &args)
Helper function for service-specific job arguments.
- Parameters:
key – the argument key (“-N”, “-c”, “-t”)
args – the argument map
- Returns:
the value of the argument
BatchComputeService(const std::string &hostname, std::vector<std::string> compute_hosts, const std::string &scratch_space_mount_point, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE property_list = {}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_COLLECTION_TYPE messagepayload_list = {})