class Deployment
A class that implements the notion of an XRootD deployment. This tracks all nodes and files within the system.
Public Functions
Create an XRootD manager.
- Parameters:
simulation – the simulation that all nodes run in. Nodes are automatically added to this simulation as created.
property_values – The property values that should be used to overwrite the defaults of all Nodes (defaults to none) (unless otherwise specified)
messagepayload_values – The message paylaod values that should be used to overwrite the defaults of all Nodes (defaults to none) (unless otherwise specified)
std::shared_ptr<Node> createRootSupervisor(const std::string &hostname, WRENCH_PROPERTY_COLLECTION_TYPE node_property_list = {}, WRENCH_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_COLLECTION_TYPE node_messagepayload_list = {})
Create the XRootD Node that will be the root supervisor.
remove a specific file from the registry. DOES NOT REMOVE FILE FROM SERVERS
- Parameters:
file – A shared pointer to the file to remove
std::shared_ptr<Node> getRootSupervisor()
Get the deployment’s root supervisor.
- Returns:
the root supervisor
remove a specific file location from the registry. DOES NOT REMOVE FILE FROM SERVER
- Parameters:
file – A shared pointer to the file the location is for
location – The location to remove
unsigned int size() const
get the size of the XRootD federation
- Returns:
the number of nodes in the federation
Public Members
int defaultTimeToLive = 1024
The max number of hops a search message can take. Used to prevent infinite loops in a poorly constructed XRootD tree.