class Simulation
A class that provides basic simulation methods. Once the simulation object has been explicitly or implicitly destroyed, then any call to the WRENCH APIs has undefied behavior (due to memory_manager_service being de-allocated).
Public Functions
Method to add a service to the simulation.
- Template Parameters:
T – The service class (base class is Service)
- Parameters:
t – the service object (shared ptr)
- Returns:
a shared_ptr to the service object
Method to add a service to the simulation.
- Template Parameters:
T – The service class (base class is Service)
- Parameters:
t – the service object
- Returns:
a shared_ptr to the service object
double getEnergyConsumed(const std::string &hostname)
Obtains the current energy consumption of a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
current energy consumption in joules
double getEnergyConsumed(const std::string &hostname, bool record_as_time_stamp)
Obtains the current energy consumption of a host and will add SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumption to simulation output if can_record is set to true.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
record_as_time_stamp – bool signaling whether to record a SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumption object
- Returns:
current energy consumption in joules
std::map<std::string, double> getEnergyConsumed(const std::vector<std::string> &hostnames)
Obtains the current energy consumption of a host.
- Parameters:
hostnames – the list of hostnames
- Returns:
current energy consumption in joules for each host, as a map indexed by hostnames
std::map<std::string, double> getEnergyConsumed(const std::vector<std::string> &hostnames, bool record_as_time_stamps)
Obtains the current energy consumption of a host and will add SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumption to simulation output if can_record is set to true.
- Parameters:
hostnames – the list of hostnames
record_as_time_stamps – whether to record a SimulationTimestampEnergyConsumption object for each host when this method is called
- Returns:
current energy consumption in joules for each host, as a map indexed by hostnames
double getLinkUsage(const std::string &link_name, bool record_as_time_stamp)
Obtains the current link bandwidth usage on a link and will add SimulationTimestampLinkUsage to simulation output if record_as_time_stamp is set to true.
- Parameters:
link_name – the link’s name
record_as_time_stamp – whether to record a SimulationTimestampLinkUsage object
- Returns:
current bandwidth usage in Bps
SimulationOutput &getOutput()
Get the simulation output object.
- Returns:
simulation output object
void init(int*, char**)
Initialize the simulation, which parses out WRENCH-specific and SimGrid-specific command-line arguments, if any.
- Parameters:
argc – main()’s argument count
argv – main()’s argument list
void instantiatePlatform(const std::function<void()>&)
Instantiate a simulated platform.
- Parameters:
creation_function – void() function to create the platform
void instantiatePlatform(const std::string&)
Instantiate a simulated platform.
- Parameters:
filename – the path to a SimGrid XML platform description file (.xml) or shared object platform file (.so/.dylib)
void instantiatePlatformFromString(const std::string &platform)
Instantiate a simulated platform.
- Parameters:
platform – the string representation of a SimGrid XML platform description
bool isRunning() const
Checks whether the simulation is running or not.
- Returns:
true or false
void launch()
Launch the simulation.
void readFromDisk(sg_size_t num_bytes, const std::string &hostname, simgrid::s4u::Disk *disk)
Wrapper enabling timestamps for disk reads.
- Parameters:
num_bytes – number of bytes read
hostname – hostname to read from
disk – disk to read from (nullptr if not known)
void readFromDiskAndWriteToDiskConcurrently(sg_size_t num_bytes_to_read, sg_size_t num_bytes_to_write, const std::string &hostname, simgrid::s4u::Disk *src_disk, simgrid::s4u::Disk *dst_disk)
Wrapper enabling timestamps for concurrent disk read/writes.
- Parameters:
num_bytes_to_read – - number of bytes read
num_bytes_to_write – - number of bytes written
hostname – - hostname where disk is located
src_disk – source disk (nullptr if not known)
dst_disk – dst disk (nullptr if not known)
void setPstate(const std::string &hostname, int pstate)
Set the power state of the host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
pstate – the power state index (as specified in the platform xml description file)
std::shared_ptr<ComputeService> startNewService(ComputeService *service)
Starts a new compute service during execution (i.e., one that was not passed to Simulation::add() before Simulation::launch() was called). The simulation takes ownership of the reference and will call the destructor.
- Parameters:
service – An instance of a service
- Returns:
A pointer to the service instance
std::shared_ptr<FileRegistryService> startNewService(FileRegistryService *service)
Starts a new file registry service during execution (i.e., one that was not passed to Simulation::add() before Simulation::launch() was called). The simulation takes ownership of the reference and will call the destructor.
- Parameters:
service – An instance of a service
- Returns:
A pointer to the service instance
std::shared_ptr<NetworkProximityService> startNewService(NetworkProximityService *service)
Starts a new network proximity service during execution (i.e., one that was not passed to Simulation::add() before Simulation::launch() was called). The simulation takes ownership of the reference and will call the destructor.
- Parameters:
service – An instance of a service
- Returns:
A pointer to the service instance
std::shared_ptr<StorageService> startNewService(StorageService *service)
Starts a new storage service during execution (i.e., one that was not passed to Simulation::add() before Simulation::launch() was called). The simulation takes ownership of the reference and will call the destructor.
- Parameters:
service – An instance of a service
- Returns:
A pointer to the service instance
void writeToDisk(sg_size_t num_bytes, const std::string &hostname, simgrid::s4u::Disk *disk)
Wrapper enabling timestamps for disk writes.
- Parameters:
num_bytes – number of bytes written
hostname – name of the host to write to
disk – a simgrid disk to write to (nullptr if not known)
Public Static Functions
static std::shared_ptr<DataFile> addFile(const std::string &id, const std::string &size)
Add a new file to the simulation (use at your own peril if you’re using the workflow API - use Workflow::addFile() instead)
- Parameters:
id – a unique string id
size – a size as a unit string (e.g., “10MB”)
- Returns:
the DataFile instance
static std::shared_ptr<DataFile> addFile(const std::string &id, sg_size_t size)
Add a new file to the simulation (use at your own peril if you’re using the workflow API - use Workflow::addFile() instead)
- Parameters:
id – a unique string id
size – a file size in bytes
- Returns:
the DataFile instance
static void compute(double flops)
Make the calling process compute.
- Parameters:
flops – a number of floating point operations
static void computeMultiThreaded(unsigned long num_threads, double thread_creation_overhead, double sequential_work, double parallel_per_thread_work)
Simulates a multi-threaded computation.
- Parameters:
num_threads – the number of threads
thread_creation_overhead – the thread creation overhead in seconds
sequential_work – the sequential work (in flops)
parallel_per_thread_work – the parallel per thread work (in flops)
static void createNewDisk(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &disk_id, double read_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec, double write_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec, sg_size_t capacity_in_bytes, const std::string &mount_point)
Method to create a new disk in the platform, which can be handy.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host to which the disk should be attached
disk_id – the name of the disk
read_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec – the disk’s read bandwidth in byte/sec
write_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec – the disk’s write bandwidth in byte/sec
capacity_in_bytes – the disk’s capacity in bytes
mount_point – the disk’s mount point (most people use “/”)
static std::shared_ptr<Simulation> createSimulation()
Create a simulation.
- Returns:
a simulation
static bool doesHostExist(const std::string &hostname)
Wrapper for S4U_Simulation hostExists()
- Parameters:
hostname – - name of host being queried
- Returns:
boolean of existence
static bool doesLinkExist(const std::string &link_name)
Wrapper for S4U_Simulation linkExists()
- Parameters:
link_name – - name of link being queried
- Returns:
boolean of existence
static int getCurrentPstate(const std::string &hostname)
Get the current power state of a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The index of the current pstate of the host (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static double getCurrentSimulatedDate()
Get the current simulated date.
- Returns:
a date
static std::shared_ptr<DataFile> getFileByID(const std::string &id)
Find a DataFile based on its ID.
- Parameters:
id – a string id
- Returns:
the DataFile instance (or throws a std::invalid_argument if not found)
static std::shared_ptr<DataFile> getFileByIDOrNull(const std::string &id)
Find a DataFile based on its ID.
- Parameters:
id – a string id
- Returns:
the DataFile instance (or nullptr if not found)
static std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DataFile>> &getFileMap()
Get the list of all files in the simulation.
- Returns:
a reference to the map of files in the simulation, indexed by file ID
static double getFlopRate()
Get the flop rate of one core of the host on which the calling process is running.
- Returns:
a flop rate
static double getHostFlopRate(const std::string &hostname)
Get the flop rate of one core of a host given a hostname.
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname
- Returns:
a flop rate (flop / sec)
static sg_size_t getHostMemoryCapacity(const std::string &hostname)
Get the memory_manager_service capacity of a host given a hostname.
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname
- Returns:
a memory_manager_service capacity in bytes
static std::string getHostName()
Get the name of the host on which the calling process is running.
- Returns:
a host name
static std::vector<std::string> getHostnameList()
Get the list of names of all the physical hosts in the platform.
- Returns:
a vector of hostnames
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> getHostnameListByCluster()
Get the list of names of all the hosts in each cluster composing the platform
- Returns:
a map of lists of hosts, indexed by cluster name
static unsigned long getHostNumCores(const std::string &hostname)
Get the number of cores of a host given a hostname.
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname
- Returns:
a number of cores
static double getLinkBandwidth(const std::string &link_name)
Get the max bandwidth of a particular link.
- Parameters:
link_name – the link’s name
- Returns:
a bandwidth in Bps
static std::vector<std::string> getLinknameList()
Get the list of names of all the links in the platform.
- Returns:
a vector of link names
static double getLinkUsage(const std::string &link_name)
Get the current usage of a particular link.
- Parameters:
link_name – the link’s name
- Returns:
a bandwidth usage
static std::vector<int> getListOfPstates(const std::string &hostname)
Get the list of power states available for a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
a list of power states available for the host (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static double getMaxPowerConsumption(const std::string &hostname)
Get the maximum power consumption for the host (i.e., 100% utilization) at its current pstate.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The “100% used” power consumption (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static sg_size_t getMemoryCapacity()
Get the memory_manager_service capacity of the host on which the calling process is running.
- Returns:
a memory_manager_service capacity in bytes
static double getMinPowerConsumption(const std::string &hostname)
Get the minimum power consumption for the host (i.e., idling) at its current pstate.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The “idling” power consumption (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static int getNumberOfPstates(const std::string &hostname)
Get the total number of power states of a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The number of power states available for the host (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static unsigned long getNumCores()
Get the number of cores of the host on which the calling process is running.
- Returns:
a number of cores
static std::vector<std::string> getRoute(std::string &src_host, std::string &dst_host)
Get the list of link names on the route between two hosts.
- Parameters:
src_host – src hostname
dst_host – dst hostname
- Returns:
a vector of link names
static bool hostHasMountPoint(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &scratch_space_mount_point)
Determine if a host has a disk mounted at some mount point.
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname
mount_point – the mount point
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isEnergySimulationEnabled()
Method to check if energy simulation is activated.
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isHostOn(const std::string &hostname)
Returns whether a host is on or not.
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isHostShutdownSimulationEnabled()
Method to check if host shutdown simulation is activated.
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isInitialized()
Determine if the simulation has been initialized.
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isLinkOn(const std::string &link_name)
Returns whether a link is on or not.
- Parameters:
link_name – the link_name
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isLinkShutdownSimulationEnabled()
Method to check if link shutdown simulation is activated.
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isPageCachingEnabled()
Method to check if page caching is activated.
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isSurfPrecisionSetByUser()
Method to check if surf precision was set by the user.
- Returns:
true or false
static void removeAllFiles()
Remove all files from the simulation (use at your own peril if you’re using the workflow API)
Remove a file from the simulation (use at your own peril if you’re using the workflow API - use Workflow::removeFile() instead)
- Parameters:
file – : file to remove
static void sleep(double duration)
Make the calling process sleep for a number of (simulated) seconds.
- Parameters:
duration – a number of seconds
static void turnOffHost(const std::string &hostname)
Turns off a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname
static void turnOffLink(const std::string &link_name)
Turns off a link.
- Parameters:
link_name – the link_name
static void turnOnHost(const std::string &hostname)
Turns on a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the hostname
static void turnOnLink(const std::string &link_name)
Turns on a link.
- Parameters:
link_name – the link_name