class S4U_Simulation
Wrappers around S4U’s basic simulation methods.
Public Functions
void checkLinkBandwidths() const
Method to check that all link bandwidths are >0.
void initialize(int *argc, char **argv)
Initialize the Simgrid simulation.
- Parameters:
argc – the C-style argument counts
argv – the C-style argument list
bool isInitialized() const
Returns true if S4U_Simulation::initialize() has been called successfully previously.
- Returns:
true or false
bool isPlatformSetup() const
Returns true if S4U_Simulation::setupPlatform() has been called successfully previously.
- Returns:
true or false
void runSimulation()
Start the simulation.
void setupPlatformFromFile(const std::string &filepath)
Initialize the simulated platform. Must only be called once.
- Parameters:
filename – the path to a .xml XML platform description file or a .so/.dylib shared object platform file
void setupPlatformFromLambda(const std::function<void()> &creation_function)
Initialize the simulated platform. Must only be called once.
- Parameters:
creation_function – void() function to create the platform
void shutdown() const
Shutdown the simulation.
Public Static Functions
static void compute(double)
Simulates a computation on host on which the calling actor is running.
- Parameters:
flops – the number of flops
static void compute_multi_threaded(unsigned long num_threads, double thread_creation_overhead, double sequential_work, double parallel_per_thread_work)
Simulates a multi-threaded computation.
- Parameters:
num_threads – the number of threads
thread_creation_overhead – the thread creation overhead in seconds
sequential_work – the sequential work (in flops)
parallel_per_thread_work – the parallel per thread work (in flops)
static void computeZeroFlop()
Compute zero flop, which take zero time but will block if the host’s pstate has a zero flop/sec speed, until the host’s pstate is changed to a pstate with non-zero flop/sec speed.
static void createNewDisk(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &disk_id, double read_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec, double write_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec, sg_size_t capacity_in_bytes, const std::string &mount_point)
Method to create, programmatically, a new disk.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host to which the disk should be attached
disk_id – the nae of the disk
read_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec – the disk’s read bandwidth in byte/sec
write_bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec – the disk’s write bandwidth in byte/sec
capacity_in_bytes – the disk’s capacity in bytes
mount_point – the disk’s mount point (most people use “/”)
static void enableSMPI()
Enable the use of SMPI.
static simgrid::s4u::Host *get_host_or_vm_by_name(const std::string &name)
Convenient s4u wrapper to retrieve a Host (which can be a VM) based on a name.
- Parameters:
name – the host/vm name
- Returns:
a SimGrid host or nullptr if name==””
static simgrid::s4u::Host *get_host_or_vm_by_name_or_null(const std::string &name)
Convenient s4u wrapper to retrieve a Host (which can be a VM) based on a name.
- Parameters:
name – the host/vm name or null if none
- Returns:
a SimGrid host
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> getAllClusterIDsByZone()
Get the list of ids of all ClusterZone in the platform within each zone (<cluster> XML tag in the platform XML description)
- Returns:
a map of zone ids and the list of cluster ids
static std::vector<std::string> getAllHostnames()
Get the list of physical hostnames.
- Returns:
a vector of hostnames
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> getAllHostnamesByCluster()
Get the list of hostnames in each ClusterZone in the platform (<cluster> XML tag in the platform XML description)
- Returns:
a map of all cluster ids and lists of hostnames
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> getAllHostnamesByZone()
Get the list of hostnames in each NetZone (<zone> and <cluster> tags in the platform XML description). Note that this method does not recurse into sub-zones, so it only returns the hosts that are declared directly under the <zone> and or <cluster> tags.
- Returns:
a map of all zone ids and lists of hostnames
static std::vector<std::string> getAllLinknames()
Get the list of link names.
- Returns:
a vector of link names
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> getAllSubZoneIDsByZone()
Get the list of ids of all (sub-)zones in the platform within each zone (<zone> XML tag in the platform XML description)
- Returns:
a map of zone ids and the list of (sub-)zone ids
static double getClock()
Get the current simulation date.
- Returns:
the simulation clock
static std::string getClusterProperty(const std::string &cluster_id, const std::string &property_name)
Get the property associated to a cluster specified in the platform file.
- Parameters:
cluster_id – the cluster id
property_name – the property name
- Returns:
a string relating to the property specified in the platform file
static unsigned long getCurrentPstate(const std::string &hostname)
Get the current power state of a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The index of the current pstate of the host (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static sg_size_t getDiskCapacity(const std::string &hostname, std::string mount_point)
Gets the capacity of a disk attached to some host for a given mount point.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host’s name
mount_point – the mount point (e.g., “/home”)
- Returns:
the capacity of the disk / mount point
static std::vector<std::string> getDisks(const std::string &hostname)
Gets set of disks, i.e., mount points, available at a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host’s name
- Returns:
a vector of mount points
static double getEnergyConsumedByHost(const std::string &hostname)
Get the energy consumed by the host up to now.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
the energy consumed by the host in Joules
static double getFlopRate()
Get the flop rate of the current host.
- Returns:
the flop rate in floating point operations per second
static double getHostFlopRate(const std::string &hostname)
Get the flop rate of a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host
- Returns:
the flop rate in floating point operations per second
static sg_size_t getHostMemoryCapacity(const std::string &hostname)
Get the memory_manager_service capacity of a host given a hostname.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host
- Returns:
a memory_manager_service capacity in bytes
static sg_size_t getHostMemoryCapacity(simgrid::s4u::Host *host)
Get the memory_manager_service capacity of a S4U host.
- Parameters:
host – the host
- Returns:
a memory_manager_service capacity in bytes
static std::string getHostName()
Get the hostname on which the calling actor is running.
- Returns:
the hostname as a string
static unsigned int getHostNumCores(const std::string &hostname)
Get the number of cores of a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host
- Returns:
the number of cores of the host
static std::string getHostProperty(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &property_name)
Get the property associated to a host specified in the platform file.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
property_name – the property name
- Returns:
a string relating to the property specified in the platform file
static double getLinkBandwidth(const std::string &name)
Get a link’s bandwidth.
- Parameters:
name – the link’s name
- Returns:
a bandwidth in Bps
static double getLinkUsage(const std::string &name)
Get a link’s bandwidth usage.
- Parameters:
name – the link’s name
- Returns:
a bandwidth usage in Bps
static std::vector<int> getListOfPstates(const std::string &hostname)
Get the list of power states available for a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
a list of power states available for the host (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static double getMaxPowerConsumption(const std::string &hostname)
Get the maximum power consumption (i.e., 100% load) for a host at its current pstate.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The power consumption for this host if 100% used (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static sg_size_t getMemoryCapacity()
Get the memory_manager_service capacity of the current host.
- Returns:
a memory_manager_service capacity in bytes
static double getMinPowerConsumption(const std::string &hostname)
Get the minimum power consumption (i.e., idling) for a host at its current pstate.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The power consumption for this host if idle (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static int getNumberOfPstates(const std::string &hostname)
Get the total number of power states of a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
- Returns:
The number of power states available for the host (as specified in the platform xml description file)
static unsigned int getNumCores()
Get the number of cores of the current host.
- Returns:
a number of cores
static std::vector<std::string> getRoute(const std::string &src_host, const std::string &dst_host)
Get the list of link names on the route between two hosts.
- Parameters:
src_host – src hostname
dst_host – dst hostname
- Returns:
a vector of link names
static bool hostExists(const std::string &hostname)
Determines whether a host exists for a given hostname (does not include VMs)
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host
- Returns:
true or false
static simgrid::s4u::Disk *hostHasMountPoint(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &mount_point)
Determines whether a mount point is defined at a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host’s name
mount_point – the mount point
- Returns:
a simgrid disk if the host has a disk attached to the specified mount point, nullptr otherwise
static bool isHostOn(const std::string &hostname)
Returns whether a host is on or not.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host
- Returns:
true or false
static bool isLinkOn(const std::string &link_name)
Returns whether a link is on or not.
- Parameters:
link_name – the name of the link
- Returns:
true or false
static bool linkExists(const std::string &link_name)
Determines whether a link exists for a given link_name.
- Parameters:
link_name – the name of the link
- Returns:
true or false
static void readFromDisk(sg_size_t num_bytes, const std::string &hostname, std::string mount_point, simgrid::s4u::Disk *disk)
Simulates a disk read.
- Parameters:
num_bytes – number of bytes to read
hostname – name of host to which disk is attached
mount_point – mount point
disk – disk to read from (nullptr if not known)
static void readFromDiskAndWriteToDiskConcurrently(sg_size_t num_bytes_to_read, sg_size_t num_bytes_to_write, const std::string &hostname, const std::string &read_mount_point, const std::string &write_mount_point, simgrid::s4u::Disk *src_disk, simgrid::s4u::Disk *dst_disk)
Read from a local disk and write to a local disk concurrently.
- Parameters:
num_bytes_to_read – number of bytes to read
num_bytes_to_write – number of bytes to write
hostname – the host at which the disks are located
read_mount_point – the mountpoint to read from
write_mount_point – the mountpoint to write to
src_disk – source disk (nullptr if not known)
dst_disk – dst disk (nullptr if not known)
static void setHostProperty(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &property_name, const std::string &property_value)
Set a property associated to a host specified in the platform file (does not include VMs)
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
property_name – the property name
property_value – the property value
static void setLinkBandwidth(const std::string &name, double bandwidth)
Set a link’s new bandwidth.
- Parameters:
name – the link’s name
bandwidth – the new bandwidth
static void setPstate(const std::string &hostname, unsigned long pstate)
Set the power state of the host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the host name
pstate – the power state index (the power state index is specified in the platform xml description file)
static void sleep(double)
Simulates a sleep.
- Parameters:
duration – the number of seconds to sleep
static void turnOffHost(const std::string &hostname)
Turn off a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host to turn off
static void turnOffLink(const std::string &link_name)
Turn off a link.
- Parameters:
link_name – the name of the link to turn off
static void turnOnHost(const std::string &hostname)
Turn on a host.
- Parameters:
hostname – the name of the host to turn on
static void turnOnLink(const std::string &link_name)
Turn on a link.
- Parameters:
link_name – the name of the link to turn on
static void writeToDisk(sg_size_t num_bytes, const std::string &hostname, std::string mount_point, simgrid::s4u::Disk *disk)
Simulates a disk write.
- Parameters:
num_bytes – number of bytes to write
hostname – name of host to which disk is attached (or empty if disk is known)
mount_point – mount point (or empty if disk is known)
disk – a disk to write to, if known (if known, this method will run much faster)
static void yield()
Simulates a yield.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr sg_size_t DEFAULT_RAM = LLONG_MAX
The ram capacity of a physical host whenever not specified in the platform description file.
void checkLinkBandwidths() const