class BatchJob
A batch job, which encapsulates a Job and additional information used by a batch.
Public Functions
- Parameters:
job – the compound job corresponding to the BatchComputeService job
job_id – the BatchComputeService job id
time_in_seconds – the requested execution time in seconds
num_nodes – the requested number of compute nodes (hosts)
cores_per_node – the requested number of cores per node
username – the username of the user submitting the job
ending_time_stamp – the job’s end date
arrival_time_stamp – the job’s arrival date
inline std::vector<int> getAllocatedNodeIndices()
Get the indices of allocated nodes.
- Returns:
a list of indices
double getArrivalTimestamp() const
Get the arrival time stamp.
- Returns:
a date
double getBeginTimestamp() const
Get the BatchComputeService job’s begin timestamp.
- Returns:
a date
std::shared_ptr<CompoundJob> getCompoundJob()
Get the compound job corresponding to this BatchComputeService job.
- Returns:
a compound job
double getEndingTimestamp() const
Get the BatchComputeService job’s end timestamp.
- Returns:
a date
unsigned long getJobID() const
Get the id of this BatchComputeService job.
- Returns:
a string id
sg_size_t getMemoryRequirement() const
Get the memory_manager_service requirement.
- Returns:
a size in bytes
unsigned long getRequestedCoresPerNode() const
Get the requested number of cores per node.
- Returns:
a number of cores
unsigned long getRequestedNumNodes() const
Get the number of requested compute nodes (or hosts)
- Returns:
a number of nodes
unsigned long getRequestedTime() const
Get the requested time.
- Returns:
a time in seconds
std::map<simgrid::s4u::Host*, std::tuple<unsigned long, sg_size_t>> getResourcesAllocated()
Get the resources allocated to this BatchComputeService job.
- Returns:
a list of resource, each as a <hostname, number of cores, bytes of RAM> tuple
std::string getUsername()
Get the username.
- Returns:
a username
inline void setAllocatedNodeIndices(std::vector<int> indices)
Set the indices of the allocated nodes.
- Parameters:
indices – a list of indices
void setAllocatedResources(const std::map<simgrid::s4u::Host*, std::tuple<unsigned long, sg_size_t>> &resources)
Set the resources allocated to this BatchComputeService job.
- Parameters:
resources – a list of resource, each as a <host, number of cores, bytes of RAM> tuple
void setBeginTimestamp(double time_stamp)
Set the BatchComputeService job’s begin timestamp.
- Parameters:
time_stamp – a date
void setEndingTimestamp(double time_stamp)
Set the BatchComputeService job’s end timestamp.
- Parameters:
time_stamp – a date
void setRequestedTime(unsigned long time)
Set the requested time.
- Parameters:
time – a time in seconds